Tag: adhd stimulants

Kids Are Not the Problem: An Interview With Gretchen LeFever Watson

In this interview, Brooke Siem, who is the author of a memoir on antidepressant withdrawal, May Cause Side Effects, interviews Gretchen LeFever Watson, PhD. Gretchen...

Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, and Benzos All Increase Suicide Attempts in New Study

In a study of people with borderline personality disorder, only ADHD stimulants were associated with a decrease in suicide.

Stimulants Donā€™t Improve Academic Performance in Kids with ADHD

ā€œEfforts to improve learning in children with ADHD should focus on obtaining effective academic instruction rather than stimulant medication.ā€

Risk of Depression Spikes When Kids Take Ritalin

Risk of depression increased when children were taking methylphenidate for ADHD, but once they stopped taking the drug, depression risk dropped to normal levels.