Tag: challenging behaviors
Water Withheld as “Punishment” at Mayo, Ireland Mental Health Facility
From Independent.ie: "Patients in a long-stay HSE-run mental health facility had to bang on the window of a nurses' station to ask for a...
Unusual Beliefs and Behaviors vs. Objective Realities and Truths
As a parent, and a child psychologist, and just as a person, I believe that acquiescing to the idea that we should simply help people “cope more effectively with things as they perceive them” falls short of the most effective and even most loving response.
Antipsychotics Prescribed Off-Label for Challenging Behaviors
Antipsychotics are being prescribed to people who may have challenging behaviors but no mental disorder, according to new research published in this month’s issue of BMJ. “Excessive use of psychotropic drugs has individual and systemic implications,” the researchers write. “Antipsychotics, in particular, are associated with several adverse side effects that can impair quality of life and lead to deleterious health outcomes.”