Tag: fmri

No Evidence for Brain Asymmetry in Depression

A new study debunks the theory that depression is associated with brain asymmetry.

Antidepressants Blunt Ability to Feel Empathy

A new study suggests that taking antidepressants impairs empathy, while the experience of depression itself does not.

Researchers Fail to Replicate Evidence for “Biotypes” of Depression

A new study casts doubt on whether such biotypes for depression exist.

Researchers Fail to Predict Criminal Intent with Brain Scans

A new study in the journal PNAS explores whether brain scans are ineffective at identifying criminal intent in carefully designed situations.

Brain Scans Cannot Differentiate Between Mental Health Conditions

A new study analyzing over 21,000 participants found that differences in activation of brain regions in different psychological “disorders” may have been overestimated, and confirms that there is still no brain scan capable of diagnosing a mental health concern.

New Study Raises Doubts About fMRI Neuroimaging Research

More than forty thousand papers have been published using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology to explore the brain. A new analysis of the common...

“Brain Imaging Research is Often Wrong. This Researcher Wants to Change...

Julia Belluz at Vox interviews Russ Poldrack, the director of the Center for Reproducible Neuroscience, on recent efforts to “clean up the house of...