Tag: gun violence
An Urban-Rural Divide Over Gun Suicide
From The Bend Bulletin: "A recent review of studies on firearm ownership and suicide found that a gun owner had a 300 percent higher...
No Guns in Schools
The Society for Humanistic Psychology has released a statement by psychology faculty and students from the University of Massachusetts-Boston in opposition to the notion...
Blaming Mental Health Won’t Solve Gun Violence, Says APsaA
According to a new statement released by the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA), the causes of firearm violence are complex and multifactorial, and gun violence...
No, It’s Not Because He Was ‘Mentally Ill’: Why Tragedy Struck...
49 people died in a club in Orlando, Florida at the hands of a man who is now dead, too. In only a few hours time, he destined himself to be forever made infamous as one of an increasingly long line of 'shooters' that have sent our nation on a desperate search for who or what to blame. I never met this particular 'shooter,' but in my teens I did meet one. Here's how that went.
“Mental Illness and Gun Violence: Stigmatizing People Isn’t the Answer”
In an opinion piece for care2, Katie Medlock discusses how “mental illness” awareness campaigns have shifted, dangerously, “and ended up insinuating that people with mental illness could turn on ‘us’ at any time and should be feared.”