Tag: Pain
Break Down. Wake Up. podcast – 006 – Creating the Context...
How a surprising solution to surgical complications helped a business director process her grief and embrace a new calling to help others heal themselves.
How Mindful Awareness Can Reduce Suffering
Suffering can be altered when people learn how to respond differently to their pain. This is the principle behind mindfulness-based stress reduction, which was designed to incorporate Buddhist practices into chronic pain treatment.
How Pain is Treated Depends on Socioeconomic Status
A new international study reveals how healthcare providers treat patient’s pain may depend on that patient’s socioeconomic status.
Study Explores Pain Assessment for Medically Complex, Nonverbal Children
To what extent are healthcare providers equipped to assess nuance in the experiences of pain among nonverbal children?
Stop Telling Chronic Pain Patients to Just Accept Their Pain
From Rooted in Rights: "Not only has the opioid epidemic and the media coverage of it made many people more suspicious of pain patients who...
Pain Increases Later Risk for Anxiety and Depression
Experiencing moderate to severe pain, or having at least moderate life interference from pain, doubles risk for anxiety or depression.
Research Finds Ketamine Does Not Reduce Delirium or Pain After Surgery
Contrary to widely-held belief, a new rigorous trial finds that ketamine is ineffective for delirium and pain associated with surgery, and the drug carries harmful side effects.
Medical Students’ Racial Biases Lead to Failure to Adequately Treat Patients
False beliefs about biological differences between races are associated with a failure to provide recommended pain treatments to Black people.
The Long History of Discrimination in Pain Medicine
From The Atlantic: Throughout history, doctors have often stigmatized and discounted patients suffering from pain without visible injury. The rise of X-rays and other "objective"...
Study Finds Excess Pills Prescribed for Post-Operative Pain
Researchers find that patients are prescribed more pills than necessary after common surgical procedures