Why I Stopped Taking Antidepressants—and Was It Worth It?
I had no idea what I was getting myself into or how difficult it would later be to break free from the cocktail of medications.
What Helped and What Hindered My Recovery from PSSD and Protracted...
To recover from protracted withdrawal, I did everything I could to survive the process and help my body and mind heal.
I Am Carmen and I Have PSSD
No one is prepared to have the ability to feel attraction or fall in love taken away from them. I am incapable of what makes humans human: emotions, emotional bonding.
What Is the Risk of Permanent Sexual Dysfunction from Antidepressants?
Males taking antidepressants were at 100 times the risk of erectile dysfunction compared with the healthy population and more than three times the risk even after controlling for other variables.
Understanding the Neurobiology of Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction
Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) may be a common adverse effect of antidepressants. Researchers are now attempting to understand the neurobiology behind it.
“After Taking Antidepressants, My Genitals Felt Numb”
From The Guardian: "I had a normal libido and a good sex life until I was 22 and prescribed an SSRI antidepressant. I had been with...
Citizens Petition Calls for Sexual Side Effect Warnings
Researchers take action after study exposes enduring sexual dysfunction as a potential side effect of serotonin reuptake inhibiting antidepressants, 5α-reductase inhibitors, and isotretinoin.
Dr. David Healy: Seeking a Cure for Protracted, Medication-Related Sexual Dysfunction
An interview with Dr. David Healy, internationally respected psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist, scientist, and author, discussing Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) and his innovative approach to finding a cure.