Tag: regulation

Lown Reviews: ā€œThe Bleeding Edgeā€ Documentary

From The Lown Institute: "By the time I finished watchingĀ The Bleeding Edge, a new documentary about the medical device industry and regulation, I never...

Researchers Make Recommendations to Improve FDA Transparency

Organizations, advocates, scholars, and practitioners had a chance to give feedback regarding FDA processes.

Bernie Sanders Opposes Califf for FDA Post Cites Industry Ties

Bernie Sanders joins numerous public health groups and opposes Robert Califf's nomination to lead the FDA over industry ties.

ā€œHolding Big Pharma Accountable: Why Suing the Pharmaceutical Industry Isn’t Workingā€

Writing for the Huffington Post, Caroline Beaton looks into how drugs continue to make billions in sales even after they lose lawsuits for fraud and misconduct. ā€œThe persistence of Big Pharma's fraud despite ubiquitous legal action suggests that our present efforts to hold the industry accountable are ineffective,ā€ Beaton writes. ā€œNew polices in motion will make potentially unsafe drugs even easier to bring to market and promote.ā€

Genetic Tests Marketed to Psychiatrists Not Supported by Research

With the explosion of genetic testing and the emerging field of pharmacogenetics, patients can now take a DNA test and receive psychiatric drug recommendations customized to fit their genetic makeup. In an editorial for the latest issue of the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Columbia University Psychiatrist Robert Klitzman warns that clinicians need to be aware of the limitations of these genetic tests being marketed to them.