Tag: voice hearing experiences

Lessons Learned While Sharing About Voice Hearing

I slowly recognized that I wanted to fight every single person who used language based on their learned beliefs about ā€œmental illness.ā€ They didnā€™t know any betterā€”so why did I feel so angry?

The Day I Became Schizophrenic

Schizophrenia, to me, is nothing more than a word. All it really means is that you experience psychosis on a regular enough basis that itā€™s a factor in your life. And that you actually do, as the word ā€œschizophreniaā€ indicates, have a mind that you share with some sort of outside presence.

On Voice Hearing Simulations: Why They Should Be (Mostly) Banned

Voice hearing simulation exercises are designed to make participants feel frightened, overwhelmed, and unable to function. They donā€™t do anything to teach how people who hear voices work through that, the many effective strategies they use, or any of the benefits that some come to find in this way of being in the world.

Normalizing the Voices in Our Heads

From CFJC Today: "Hearing voices is often regarded as a sign of mental illness. But maybe voices are just part of a spectrum. Professor T....

Group Mindfulness Shows Promise Reducing Depression Associated with Hearing Voices

A new study out of Kings College London found that twelve sessions of a group mindfulness-based therapy relieved distress associated with hearing voices while reducing depression over the long-term. The person-based cognitive therapy (PBCT) intervention had significant effects on depression, voice distress, voice controllability and overall recovery.