Tag: Wellness Wordworks
Spiritual Emergency Round 2: Smashing Warped Philosophies
My goal now is to focus on solutions for emotional distress, not talking about medical harm. We all know about the problems with medical harm, but not all people are clear about solutions. I'm not that clear, either, but I'm working on it. I'm not talking about revolution any longer, just trying to make my piece of the pie work.
Building Mental Health Exit Ramps: 5 Actions You Can Take in...
I've been working for 2 1/2 years on a system to provide non-medical care for people with emotional distress. I want it to be...
Free Blog Ideas
Right now I am working on the Connect Power site build to make an underground railroad to help people out of the mental health...
Entrepreneurship Is The Way Out of Our Mess
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard...
Our Recovery Community is One of the Richest in Our Country
I built my entire community in the last eight years. Eight years ago I was recently divorced, unemployed, on six psych meds, and homeless....
How entrepreneurial thinking can improve mental health advocacy
I've been working on starting a business that can use market forces to create benefit for our communities. This is called social entrepreneurship. Different models...
Why We Should Be Customers and Not Charity Cases
Recently I posted about mental health social entrepreneurship, where we can use market based principles to solve our problems accessing effective care. Some people...
Why We Need Mental Health Social Entrepreneurship
A mental health social entrepreneurship is a business that uses market principles to maximize benefit instead of maximizing profit. For instance, my business, Wellness...
We are for truly informed choice; not anti-medications
I have had quite a few discussions with people who have not heard of the research on this site. Very often as soon as...
Vote NOW for solutions to emotional distress!
If you want solutions for emotional distress, vote NOW! Vote for the distress model and vote for Aunt Bertha.
1) Vote now for the distress...
The Cause and Solution for Emotional Distress
Hi, I'm Corinna West, a psychiatric survivor. I was very ill one time and now I'm not. That's the short story. The slightly longer...