Researchers from London, writing in European Psychiatry, reviewed “all RCTs involving children and young people with a diagnosis of childhood onset schizophrenia comparing any antipsychotic drug with another antipsychotic or placebo.” They found that “there is little conclusive evidence regarding the effects of antipsychotic medication for those with early onset schizophrenia. Some benefits were identified in using the atypical antipsychotic clozapine but the benefits were offset by an increased risk of serious adverse effects.”
Thanks for this Kermit. I’m waiting for Bob’s blog on the research into how much earlier people die when they’ve been on psychiatric medications beginning at a young age.
Everyone talks about the “25 years earlier” study but that was based on adults talking the meds. What’s the life expectectancy for someone who is started on antipsychotics at age 5, 6, 7?
I don’t relish the results but they just might be so shocking to the general populace that we can finally ban these drugs for youth. Period.
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Ban them for youth.
Because a minor cannot give “informed consent”.
That’s why.
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They are not Antipsychotics they are Neuroleptics.
“Antipsychotic” is a marketing term, but it is inaccurate as the drugs don’t do anything for “psychosis”, the drugs “switch the whole person off”.
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