Three Psychiatrists Attempt to Distinguish Grief, Complicated Grief and Depression


In Medscape, three psychiatrists discuss the new definitions in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for grief, complicated grief, depression and major depression, and try to explain how to reliably distinguish between them all.

“Sid and Kathy, as we know, the concepts of grief, complicated grief, and depression are sometimes tough for clinicians to sort out,” states the interviewer. “This is especially true in the context of recent bereavement: that is, following the death of a loved one or significant other. Sometimes our colleagues in primary care — and in psychiatry, too — find it hard to tell whether a patient who has just suffered the death of a loved one is experiencing grief or depression, both, or neither.”

During his response, Dr. Sidney Zisook admits that “classification of mental disorders is a work in progress,” and then clarifies that the classification system is meant to be a “flexible guide” supplemented by “clinical judgment” and “caution.”

(Free registration) Distinguishing Grief, Complicated Grief, and Depression (Medscape, December 26, 2014)


  1. It must help to have a name like Dr. Zisook. I think Dr. Seuss could definitely find a few words to rime with that one. Anyway, if anyone was wondering where they went. Calling Dr. Larry, calling Dr. Curly, calling Dr. Moe….You will find them in the neuro-psychiatry department.

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  2. “Dr. Sidney Zisook admits that ‘classification of mental disorders is a work in progress,’ and then clarifies that the classification system is meant to be a ‘flexible guide’ supplemented by ‘clinical judgment’ and ‘caution.'” Perhaps this needs to be explained to the psychiatrists, since they seem to have delusions their DSM is a “bible” expressing complete truth. And they’re running around defaming people to their families and force medicating people with massive major drug interaction laden cocktails – all based upon a “work in progress,” not actual “mental illnesses”?

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