The New York Times examined a new report showing evidence of correspondence, discussions and collaborations between senior officials involved in the American Psychological Association and the Bush Administration torture program. Democracy Now interviewed two of the report authors.
American Psychological Association Bolstered C.I.A. Torture Program, Report Says (New York Times, April 30, 2015)
Report on American Psychological Association’s Role in Bush-Era Interrogation Program (New York Times, April 30, 2015)
Emails Show American Psychological Association Secretly Worked with Bush Admin to Enable Torture (Democracy Now, May 5, 2015)
From Democracy Now!
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Of course, I didn’t notice the link below NYT. In any case a really good interview, which shows just how deep in the torture program the APA was. If they had any shame they would line up for prison.
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Thanks for the link B.
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The report that they refer to in the video is out. It’s the headline story in the Boston Globe today.
“…two of the association’s presidents…who taught at Harvard and Boston Universities – were ‘intimately involved’ in coordinating the association’s policies to line up with Pentagon preferences….”
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Big Government + Big Pharma + Big Psychiatry = Big Problems
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Of course it should go without being said, but all those involved need to be held fully accountable for these atrocities.
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