Bullying+Lying = Fear+Complying


Whenever a doctor cannot do good,
He must be kept from doing harm.
— Hippocrates

Author’s Note: This article contains a conversation with a practicing psychiatrist

In the formula above—Bullying + Lying = Fear + Complying—the psychiatrist is the link between two entities; the pharmaceutical companies that engage in bullying and misinformation and the consumers who respond with fear and compliance. This is a formula for disaster, more so now that drug companies and their consortia—TransCelerate and the Massachusetts Neuroscience Consortium—have partnered with European companies to form a mega-consortium. The goal of this world-wide enterprise is to expand the superhighway that connects research for new drugs to clinical trials and then to production and distribution. Again, the target population is very young children, teens and their fearful parents.

An informative article in Nature Biotechnology states that “the biotech investment community needs to look beyond the existing pools of funding and talent to galvanize biomedical innovation.”  The article is about  commercializing biomedical research. The language used in this article supports the drug companies’ expanded search for funds, new drugs, and cheaper and faster strategies.  “Megafunds “ is one term used along with the provocative statement “US investors and companies can partner with investigators in emerging economies to translate their discoveries.”

In other words, wealthy American investors are going to underdeveloped countries for cheaper research and development of new drugs. In this article the importance of funding the research is central and lucrative sources are identified as “university-based venture funding, limited liability holding company funding and state government funding to spread the risk.”

The role that the prescribing psychiatrist, pediatrician other pediatric specialists have to play in this scheme is that parents and other child-care individuals are to a great extend dependent on these trusted, authoritarian professionals to be informed and acting in the best interest of the child, the family, the community and society. They are the green light on the superhighway and are expected to be basing their treatment on the research and the scientific evidence that has been carefully collected, tested and is safe and effective for the people that they treat. Unfortunately there are grave problems with the research.

Another example of the kind of article that elevates my concern about the research for and treatment of adolescents and children with medications is Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, by K Hoagwood, PhD. The author states that “many medication choices and algorithms continue to be based on the experience of the individual practitioner or on standards of care for adults, with some notable exceptions” and concludes:

“Prescription rates for psychotropic medications for children are increasing even among very young children. Despite the widespread use of these medications, surprisingly few randomized controlled studies have been conducted; Many medication choices and algorithms continue to be based on standards of care for adults.”

The author also points out that laboratory studies on children and adolescents differ from real world situations and need to be “adapted” to clinics, schools, and diverse environments.


“The central problem is that treatments that have been validated in efficacy studies cannot be assumed to be effective when implemented under routine practice conditions.”

Therefore, the evidence in evidence-based research is not applicable to the adolescent and child population.


Based upon my escalating concerns about the drug companies’ increasingly broad and deceptive reach I had a candid conversation with a practicing psychiatrist who works with young adolescents in a mental health clinic in Los Angeles. The clinic is multi-funded (Federal medical, State, and a bit of nonprofit funds) and sees hundreds of teens mostly from group homes. These teens all have psychiatric diagnoses, and most are on medication. The conversation went as follows:

Writer: “Have you read any of the articles that I asked you to look at on Mad in America?

Psychiatrist: “That’s the anti-psychiatrist site? I looked at it.”

Writer: “Have any thoughts about the information there?”

Psychiatrist: “Are these the same people that are against vaccinations for kids?”

Writer: “No.”  (I go on to explain the purpose of MIA as an open forum for discussion…)

Psychiatrist: “Oh.” He looks completely disinterested at this point.

Writer: “What do you think about giving meds like Latuda and Risperdal to the younger population?”

Psychiatrist: “We don’t give them to everyone who comes in!”

Writer: “Do you think there is a profit motive for drug companies that are pushing these and the newer meds at this time?”

Psychiatrist: “Margaret! There is greed in every area of society. Just think of old people who are having their money basically stolen in that Annuity racket. Think of what the banks did. It’s everywhere!”

Writer: “Are you comparing that to giving drugs to children? Drugs that effect their emotional and physical well-being? “

Psychiatrist: He is silent for a time and then repeats; “There is greed everywhere.”

This is the end of the Conversation.  He is clearly angry with me at this point and I can only hope that he thinks about what we discussed.

I sit a bit longer at the coffee shop after my “friend” leaves. I watch a two-year-old have a temper tantrum, and she is very good at it. She looks like she has practiced the moves and her parents are clearly overwhelmed. They are following the 10-step strategy to stop meltdowns, and it isn’t working. Everyone is staring at them. My daughter-in-law calls in tears to inform me that our pre-teen grand-daughter is irritable; she is mean to her brother, she ignores her parents, she yells and cries at the drop of a hat, she argues constantly, and this is going on constantly. I am asked for advice, for guidance, and then my words are dismissed as she Googles the issue.  Our six-year-old neighbor has a doctor’s appointment today; according to his mom he’s too preoccupied with “making things” out of pieces of paper and string and he likes to play alone. She’s been on the internet and the information on autism and sensory “disorder” scared her, and so now it’s “off to the doctor.”

These youngsters are at risk. It is not the children who are frightened, desperate and vulnerable to being coerced… it’s the parents. They are, in fact, in a perfect position to be set on a pathway that may well lead to pain and long-lasting disaster.


We all need to be aware – and alarmed – by the reality that we are vulnerable to being bullied by the powerful drug companies and their partners in psychiatry. Fear, of course, usually leads to attempts to escape a fearful situation. However, fear for the well-being of kids may produce a different and positive reaction when accurate information is at hand. This, and the knowledge that this information is going into good hands and minds, is the goal of the articles that I write.


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. Heaven forbid parents research and make decisions themsevles when it comes to vaccines, no you’re a kook if you think that’s the best route. The best route is clearly just forcing injections regardless of what the parents think, I mean duh ! You don’t want to be seen as one of them kooks !

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    • Lol, once you start researching the staggering amount of fraud and misinformation, based upon bad science, that exists within today’s mainstream medical industry, and personally witness damage to other’s children caused by some of the vaccines, I must confess to being a cautious “kook” when it comes to my own children.

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  2. Hi Margaret,

    I appreciated your article, especially the interview with the psychiatrist. There’s real life psychiatry in action: deny, deny, deny. It was also nice to see the whole quote about harm. They “must be kept from doing harm.”

    Once a person has been sidelined as a valid commentator on life by being labelled “mentally ill” and treated by this group, his or her legitimacy as critic is taken away. Someone must stop them. They are in full-scale destruction mode with their holocaust of drugs.

    Thanks for helping out.

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  3. It should be obvious by now that the psycho pharm medico agro cartels are capable of any and all crimes to protect themselves from the people , grow power and cash flow. They all strive for too big to fail status which endows them with Caligula like powers. Pharma I’m sure for example would have no qualms about using the peoples money for brain research in order to figure out how to better target areas of the human brain more precisely to more effectively deliver various new improved ( more addictive ) brain damaging poisonous concoctions or electricity to gain absolute compliance from the inside out. I guess they are already doing this and honestly the only solution to forced compliance is absolute non compliance wherever and whenever possible and revolution by all means you can get away with. Or how long can a sitting frog survive in boiling water ?

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  4. I don’t understand how virtually all psychiatrists were, and remain, “fooled” into believing that psychotropic drugs are efficacious and don’t lead to serious harm in most patients.
    Why were these physicians not highly skeptical about pharmaceutical corporations and their glib sales reps touting pills that sound much too good to be true? Corporations are notorious for lying about all sorts of things throughout history. Just look at tobacco executives boldfaced lying to Congress in 1994!
    Can’t they see that producing lethargy, apathy, abulia, brain fog, etc., is not a viable solution for psychological issues?
    Why do they persist in prescribing powerful drugs that were given merely 4-8 week trials for 5, 10, and 20 years?

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    • Why? $$$.

      And all the psychiatric workers do seem to know how damaging their drugs are, and that none of the so called patients are actually “mentally ill.” I was talking to my neighbor, who worked in the industry for years, yesterday. And he confessed he knew the drugs were toxic and that most the people being defamed with ‘mental illnesses’ were people dealing with either street or pharmaceutical drug adverse or withdrawal reactions.

      His experience was pot was the worst offender. But told me a story about a young heroin addict, misdiagnosed as “schizophrenic,” “schizo-affective,” and numerous labels. He said the kid was just seeking help to get clean, and instead of help, got labels and psych meds. The kid killed himself, but apparently his family was actually able to sue, and got a settlement. Which, of course, keeps it out of the papers and allows for a sick status quo to continue unchanged. My neighbor also told me the head physician at a local psych hospital was a recovered “schizophrenic,” recovered, of course, without the drugs.

      So it seems today’s mainstream medical community really does understand the evil they are doing, but are continuing to do it , due to their greed.

      Today’s medical industry is following the same path the medical community did in Germany pre-WWII. The federal reserve banks are, too.

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    • A great part of the problem deals with something known as cognitive dissonance. They must believe that the toxic drugs are useful as treatment for what is mistakenly referred to as “mental illness” so that they can maintain the idea that psychiatrists are “real doctors”.

      The drugs saved psychiatry because they finally gave psychiatrists a “treatment” to be used on people with psychological and emotional distress. Up to that time, as I’m sure you already know, psychiatrists were held in low esteem and repute by doctors of other specialties. They were not considered to be “real” doctors. In the eyes of psychiatrists the toxic drugs were something that they could prescribe, just like other doctors prescribed drugs for various problems. The drugs were supposedly their “magic bullets” and the miracle that would deal with “mental illness”. They were primed and ready for accepting anything which stroked their egos and made them feel like they measured up to all other doctors. I suspect that as a group psychiatrists kind of had in inferiority complex and the drug companies gave them exactly what they needed to strut their stuff as “doctors”.

      Now, to have to admit that the toxic drugs are detrimental to people over the long term creates internal conflict since psychiatrists who use the drugs widely will have to admit that they’re actually harming people rather than helping them. To do this will have a direct effect on their wallets and bank accounts, on large family homes in nice, gated neighborhoods, and gas guzzling SUV’s. If they have to admit that the drugs are harmful then they’re back to square one and very few of them can even begin to consider something as drastic as this. So, rather than deal with all the contradictions that this produces in their minds they choose to pretend that none of it exists.

      I work in a state “hospital” and watch this struggle to hide the reality of what truly is that goes on in the lives of a few of the psychiatrists who are seemingly good people. Many of them don’t seem to really care one way or the other but there are a few that realize and know the truth and struggle to hide it from themselves because admitting the truth would be very drastic to their images that they have of themselves. I challenge the ones who could really make a difference because they do seem to care. I give them the latest studies by Harrow and Wonderink and it’s always interesting to watch their expressions as they take the papers from me. They won’t look at me and always claim that they have valid studies to prove that their drugs are useful, but they never share any copies of those studies with me. They know that I know but they’re not going to break down and admit to their knowing. Their lives would be pushed into upheaval if they admitted the truth and that’s too much for the average person to deal with.

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      • Stephen – I continue to enjoy the evolution of your viewpoint on how the responsible authorities you know and help to educate go about mediating the irresponsible attitudes they are willing to choose. We can reasonably assume that their first step is to try to call this pragmatic and in support of good intentions, as they next must set out to play truth or consequences some more with distressed people’s bodies and minds. Please keep us up on your firsthand study and outline of these and other contextual determinants, specifically as they reveal how psychiatrists are crossing the lines to use their inmates’ degraded legal rights status to justify their ignorance and suspicion of the less convenient information sources for making their power appear socially essential and medically helpful. Of course, my interest in the meaning of their understanding you as a survivor–which to me means forcibly detained in order to keep misinformed, mainly–is the motive for my saying thanks a lot for your effort. You get the revolutionary tasks brought to life that have to do with maintaining your reaction to this strange American injustice so that it is really evidence of creative maladjustment in service and protection of human rights. Such a nice show of vocational interest all around is terrifically sharing of you, and your friendliness kept in evidence through your work situation is the truth of conscience speaking on the right plane for getting the sharing to count.

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