“Childhood Poverty Linked to Brain Changes”


“Children from poorer families are more likely to experience changes in brain connectivity that put them at higher risk of depression, compared with children from more affluent families,” according to new research covered by Medical News Today. “Poverty doesn’t put a child on a predetermined trajectory, but it behooves us to remember that adverse experiences early in life are influencing the development and function of the brain. And if we hope to intervene, we need to do it early so that we can help shift children onto the best possible developmental trajectories.”

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  1. Oh yes big Government needs to do something !

    “At risk” “at risk” “at risk” !!!

    Mental health screenings NOW ! Get those kids on drugs.

    Scientific Fraud About Brain Scan Findings
    Psychiatrists wrongly assume that all brain scan differences are abnormalities.
    Posted Jul 14, 2014


    The theory that certain groups and individuals tend to persist in a state of poverty because they have distinct beliefs, values and ways of behaving that are incompatible with economic success. The culture of poverty theory is a social theory that tries to explain the cycle of poverty.Culture of poverty theory tries to explain why poverty exists despite anti-poverty programs.


    Interesting stuff.

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    • Does the culture of poverty include getting lots of stupid tattoos that lead to under employment and unemployment ?

      I think it might be.

      Its almost heartbreaking when I see the young guys in recovery trying to get their lives on track go out and get all inked up when they have about a month sober.

      Maybe it is brain damage.

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        • Because they absolutely DO cause their own poverty.

          I know the system is corrupt and stacked but anyone can make it in America IF they can get rid of their poverty thinking.

          But good luck, its no accident the intelligence level of everything on TV has dropped 100 IQ points in the last few decades. They want people stupid.

          Look at poverty neighborhoods, why don’t those people pick up the trash on the ground instead of just walking over it ?

          Does it take a pocket full of money to bend over and pick up the trash in the street in front of where you live ????

          Maybe buy a can of paint or a broom instead of power-ball tickets and scratch offs ?

          Its capitalism… give me a break.

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          • 1 in 30 American children are homeless right now. That’s one child in every classroom who has no home to return to when school lets out, and the number is increasing.

            Why? Because housing is distributed according to who has the most money, rather than according to who needs it most. That’s just how capitalism works. Sorry.

            The idea that anyone can make it in America if they try is a myth and it always has been.

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          • RE “1 in 30 American children are homeless right now. That’s one child in every classroom who has no home to return to when school lets out, and the number is increasing.

            Why? Because housing is distributed according to who has the most money, rather than according to who needs it most. That’s just how capitalism works. Sorry.”

            For one thing in many places PROPERTY TAX cost more than the mortgage cause the education mafia is so corrupt.

            Building a house is an easy task until you add the 1001 government regulations and then that plywood box with the vinyl siding costs half a million dollars.

            “housing is distributed…”

            No one is going to work hard building so someone else can just take what they have created.

            I swear socialism and all that is a mental disorder, they continually deny realty and cant see the bad results from their actions.

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          • I swear socialism and all that is a mental disorder, they continually deny realty and cant see the bad results from their actions.

            When did you become a psychiatrist? I’ll take that as an admission that you have nothing of substance to say about my point regarding the “market” distribution of basic human necessities.

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    • “if we hope to intervene, we need to do it early”

      The psychiatrists want to “intervene” into everyone’s lives. Apparently they’ve never heard the phrase, live and let live.

      And apparently they’re also unaware of the fact that the UN has already stated that “forced psychiatric treatment is torture.” And since all children are “forced” to take their medicines. The continuing psychiatric industry attempts to drug children “early” is, in fact, proof the grown adults working in the psychiatric industry have made it their goal, to torture children.

      “…the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped.” – Last Speech of Hubert H. Humphrey

      “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” – Mahatma Ghandi

      “Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members — the last, the least, the littlest.”
      – Cardinal Roger Mahony, In a 1998 letter, Creating a Culture of Life

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  2. The “research” is almost laughable and alarming as it seems to, as this type of junk science usually does, pathologize normal reactions to extreme life conditions. It’s not hard to see that the poor are often facing many challenges from homelessness to hunger and general insecurities and over medication by the mental health complex. It’s so sad that with all the technology that we have this is the best that we can offer the masses who suffer.

    Maybe the money wasted on these “studies” and those like it could be used to reduce poverty? That would be far too much like actually addressing a problem.

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    • No its all about brains brains and brains.

      Psychiatry wants money so they do a study saying their help is needed to help children with poverty brain syndrome.

      They don’t see the child’s poverty , they see the checkbook of the federal government.

      Look what they do to foster kids

      Here, in Part 5 of our investigative series “Drugging Our Kids,” we present a documentary video that gives voice to many of these young people, who say they were silenced during their youth by the powerful drugs.


      Psychiatry is evil not stupid, children in poverty have the biggest checkbooks of all.

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    • My experience was, it is the goal of bio-psychiatry to drug up all those who do not worship money only, and instead choose to properly raise their children rather than function as a slave for our current fiscally irresponsible Federal Reserve bankers, after politely turning down a job offer to manage money, for a child molestation covering up religion.

      Maybe the psychiatrists are starting to learn, it’s only wise to try to defame, drugs, and poison the poor people. Since the ethical American Christian bank president’s children are smart enough to research medicine, and point out the psychiatric industry’s iatrogenic crimes against humanity?

      One can only hope. Although, trying to drug only the poor children is morally wrong, too. It is God’s job to judge humanity, not the psychiatric industry’s.

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