“Big Pharma Shells Out Big Campaign Dollars to Presidential Candidates”


“Democratic hopeful Clinton collected the most pharma money of any candidate with $336,416 in donations, a little more than a third of the total contributions during the campaign. Republican candidate Jeb Bush came in second with about $150,000 in donations, less than half the amount of Clinton.”

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  1. Pharma hits lawmakers from all sides,

    The New York Times exposed that NAMI had bused scores of protestors to a hearing in Frankfort, Kentucky, took out full page ads in Kentucky newspapers, and sent angry faxes to state officials, all to protest a state panel proposal to exclude the antipsychotic drug Zyprexa from Medicaid’s list of preferred medications. According to the article, “What the so called advocacy group did not say at the time was that the buses, ads and faxes were all paid for” by the manufacturer of the antipsychotic drug Zyprexa, Eli Lilly.

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