“Survivors Push for Withdrawal Hotline and Change”


“Two Scots whose lives have been ravaged by prescription drugs are battling for ­recognition of the devastating withdrawal issues as well as proper support for victims,” the Daily Record reports. “Health Secretary Shona Robison has now agreed to ask chief medical officer Catherine Calderwood to investigate the claims.”

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  1. Well done Fiona and Ann. All your hard work, patience and diligence is starting to pay off. Your suffering has not been in vain.
    Let us hope that the Scottish Parliament actually tackle this major public health scandal, unlike the English Parliament who have swept this issue under the carpet for decades and are terrified of opening this Pandora’s box of iatrogenic prescribed drug dependence. No dedicated withdrawal centres, no after care, no 24 hour help line. No recognition of the human suffering that these drugs cause.
    David Cameron has ran away from accountability with his tail between his legs, along with the English Department of Health, calling the issue ‘local’.
    If only, this is a national and international scandal of enormous consequences in human, social and financial terms.

    Barry Haslam.

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    • It seems all the governments “are terrified of opening this Pandora’s box of iatrogenic prescribed drug dependence. No dedicated withdrawal centres, no after care, no 24 hour help line. No recognition of the human suffering that these drugs cause.” Just a bunch of blaming the patients, rather than the drugs. How immature and unethical can the medical community get? “… this is a national and international scandal of enormous consequences in human, social and financial terms.” Well said, Barry. And my thanks to Fiona and Ann, too.

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