“Psychiatry in Crisis?” BMJ Covers Dutch Conference on Prescribing


Richard Smith, the former editor of The BMJ, reports back from a meeting in the Netherlands last week featuring former DSM-IV chair, Allen Frances, and Peter Gøtzsche, a Danish physician, researcher, and leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center. “Dutch psychiatrists, it was explained to me, are feeling vulnerable because there are too many of them. They have two treatments to offer–drugs and psychotherapy. But the Netherlands has many clinical psychologists, and they have taken over the psychotherapy,” Smith writes. “Psychiatrists are left with drugs and anxiety about their future.”

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psychiatry in crisis



  1. I agree with anothervoice. Thanks for posting this article.

    One of the things I like about Dr Peter Gotzsche is his straightforward approach – in his opinion a person can definitely recover from the ‘Severe Labels’ without drugs – and he doesn’t make any big deal of this.

    He says a reliable person that can be trusted can act as advisor (/therapist) and I agree with him here – its been my own experience; and it’s helped me in my recovery.

    I think myself that these Severe Mental Illness Labels don’t exist as conditions and should be scrapped – “They’re more harm than good”

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