“21st Century Cures Act will get Vote this Week”


Several members of Congress spoke this weekend signaling that they were ready to vote on legislation designed to speed federal approval of new drugs and devices. “While there are positive aspects of this legislation, many provisions would severely weaken the FDA’s drug and medical device approval standards and seriously harm rather than help patients,” said Jack Mitchell, director of government relations for the National Center for Health Research, which advocates for patient safety. “Congress shouldn’t sacrifice the safety and effectiveness of medical products in order to increase research monies.”

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  1. This was posted on Congressman Tim Murphy’s website on Friday:

    Washington, D.C. – Today, a healthcare reform package, including language from Congressman Tim Murphy’s (PA-18) Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act (H.R. 2646) and Chairman Fred Upton’s 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 6), was finalized. The reform package will be voted on next week.

    Congressman Murphy released the following statement:

    “This is a landmark moment. The federal government’s course in addressing mental health and illness in America is being fundamentally changed. Congress has finally come together in a bipartisan effort to bring serious mental illness out of the shadows. Now federal agencies will be moving from feel-good programs for behavioral wellness to ones that emphasize evidence-based care for those at highest risk and those with symptoms of serious mental illness. We’ve achieved long-sought reforms by creating an Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use to elevate, integrate and coordinate programs; investing in services for the most difficult to treat cases; expanding the mental health workforce, and so much more.

    “It couldn’t be more fitting that we’ve reached this bipartisan agreement between the House and Senate at the close of Thanksgiving week. I am tremendously grateful for everyone who joined in the cause because we wouldn’t be here if not for the unwavering efforts of the of the families, caregivers, providers and organizations that worked tirelessly to fix our broken mental health system. We won’t solve it all in in one bill and we didn’t get everything we needed, but we needed everything we got. It is my pledge to the patients and families in crisis that I will never stop fighting to deliver treatment before tragedy for those most in need.”

    The Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act unanimously passed the House Energy and Commerce Committee, 53-0, in June and passed the U.S. House of Representatives, 422-2, in July .


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  2. It’s also very frustrating that MIA feigns some kind of “objectivity” on this, this should be a HEADLINE superseding the day-to-day chit chat. This is not a week for idle bantering about our “opinions” on this and that. I hope those who are so freaked out about what Trump might do take some time and energy to confront this very fascist legislation that has been staring us in the face for years.

    Also nowhere does it say here that this is the MURPHY BILL we’re talking about, for crying out loud!

    Maybe we should slip an announcement about this into all the currently active discussions?

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  3. OK here’s what we know and what to do today (Tuesday):

    As succinctly as possible — the main language from MURPHY (including AOT funding) has been consolidated with another bill, the 21ST CENTURY CURES bill, which is being introduced as a “House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 34, Tsunami Warning, Education and Research Act of 2015.” In other words, Murphy is being slipped through on another bill’s coattails, if Murphy, Jaffee & Co. have their say.

    From Murphy’s recent press release:

    Murphy to Testify Before House Rules Committee on the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act,
    Vote Expected Wednesday

    Washington, D.C. – Tomorrow [Tuesday — ed.] evening, Congressman Tim Murphy (PA-18) will testify before the House Rules Committee to discuss the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act (H.R. 2646). Murphy will discuss, among other provisions, the establishment of an Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, the establishment of the National Mental Health and Substance Use Policy Laboratory (NMHSUPL), additional funding for the Assisted Outpatient Treatment program (AOT), and increasing the mental health workforce…

    Then on Wednesday, November 30, the House is expected to vote on the provisions from the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act as a part of the 21st Century Cures healthcare reform package. If the bill passes, it will move to the Senate and will likely be voted on next week.


    So there we have it, I guess. We should be calling our congressional representatives TODAY — TUESDAY — to request that they vote AGAINST the 21ST CENTURY CURES bill being amended to H.R. 34 if it is consolidated with HR 4626 (the original Murphy bill). You could mention that you are specifically opposed to TITLE XIV Section 14002 (AOT). I know this is a mouthful. People with the time should focus on Democrats, but first make sure you contact your local representatives. If it’s a Republican focus on the enormous cost and waste of taxpayer funds. Use our anti-AOT talking points as a general guide. They’re posted in the organizing forum if you don’t already have them.

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  4. Cool. I called my congressman (in this case) a couple hours ago — it was simple and they didn’t want my address, SS# and life history. Not that the clerk seemed all that interested but he definitely got the message to pass along. Feels good, doesn’t it? My conscience for the day is clear.

    Wonder what Murphy’s gonna tell those suckers tonight?

    Btw I’m a little concerned about this blog MIA is putting up soon on this — it was an MIA blog that prompted the creation of those anti-psychiatry talking points last summer due to the “mental health consumer” perspective it reflected. Anyway, keep an eye out.

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  5. (Originally posted by Lauren)

    On Sunday, December 4, 2016 at 9PM Eastern, call in to (267)521-0167 to be part of the program. This is an urgent call for you to speak out to your legislators.

    TO LISTEN IN LIVE: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/talkwithtenney/2016/12/05/emergency-senate-vote-on-amendment-to-hr-34-is-near-ideas-for-legislators

    On this show, Yvonne Smith, Lauren Tenney, and others will discuss things that you can talk about with your Senators AND Representatives concerning the scam of amending the Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Act of 2015 H.R. 34 as the 21st Century #CuresAct amendment, which includes awful versions of the Murphy Bills and multiple other bills that Senators are still attempting to amend before a vote. They are pushing this through and if you can believe, Senators are even still adding amendments.

    Senate will take up the proposed amendments on Monday, December 5, 2016, or earlier.



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