A series of interviews with 11 clinical psychologists, published in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, sheds new light on the scepticism and concern felt towards NICE guidelines, and why some psychologists are even deliberately ignoring them.
this is really interesting. There are short and long NICE guidelines. We were made to look at them for a peer support course I went on.
Not only are the diagnostic categories scientifically invalid but psychologists ignore the guidlines do what they think works best.
NICE guidelines have taken huge amounts of money to produce and distribute. Even without psychologists doing what they think is best, which is really what they prefer and have had some training in, people generally do not get what the guidelines say they should, they get whatever their local trust and psychiatrist is doling out and can afford that month.
It’s all a bureaucratic sham.
So – top down single practice protocols – get ignored on the ground.
People are individuals and even when a therapy has “studies” that affirm its “effectiveness” in a percentage of the population – different stroke for different folks.
Sadly, your tax dollars at work.