“I Cried Every Day at Work”: Mental Health Among Doctors


From The Guardian: Doctors are increasingly experiencing mental health issues due to the unrelenting pressure, inhumane working hours, brutal competition, and workplace bullying that is commonplace in the field of medicine.

“Adequate staffing, honest appraisal of the workload, reallocation of tasks, proper debriefing – these are some of the solutions junior doctor Carly (not her real name) suggests. But what’s needed above all, she says, is a ‘narrative shift from personal to institutional responsibility. Even when colleagues and bosses are sympathetic to someone managing mental illness, I have observed that the onus remains on the individual to find a solution and make themselves well enough to work.

‘This is despite the fact that in many cases our working environment has contributed to our illness. There needs to be more meaningful concessions by hospitals to shared responsibility, just as with other OH&S issues.'”

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  1. Why is it that doctors have “mental health issues” “due to the unrelenting pressure, inhumane working hours, brutal competition, and workplace bullying that is commonplace in the field of medicine,” whereas the rest of the world is suffering from chemical imbalances?

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  2. The new healthcare crisis? Doctor burnout, thanks to paperwork. http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/healthcare/317233-doctors-are-increasingly-burnt-out-thanks-to-paperwork

    Even the article photo is people staring at computer screens with piles of papers in front of them.

    “This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles — the steady creep of government bureaucracy that drains the vitality and wealth of the people,” Trump said. “The West became great not because of paperwork and regulations but because people were allowed to chase their dreams and pursue their destinies.”

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