Homogenization of Psychotherapy and Counseling


In this piece forĀ Transcend Media Service, Dr. Anthony J. Marsella critiques the standardization of mental health treatment, arguing that it overlooks cultural and individual differences among clients and providers.

“The primary problem, in my opinion, faced by evidence-based efforts is the failure to recognize the serious limitations in homogenized and standardize approaches and methods, and risks for care and healing.

Scientific and professional preferences for a canon fail to acknowledge the profound variations across each client, each therapist, each disorder(s), and each therapy and healing approach and method. There is an implicit insistence on uniformity at the expense of diversity and variation. This perpetuates myths of therapist, patient, therapy, and disorder in favor scientific and professional interests and concerns.”


  1. It is a shame the psychologists and counselors hopped into bed with the psychiatric DSM, drugs are the cure for all distress, obviously invalid, belief system. Today’s “mental health system” definitely is a well oiled, well organized, destroy the patient, destroy all the creative thinkers, destroy all the intelligent and insightful creators, system. Of course drugs do not cure all distress. Dah. I’m glad some within the industry are starting to wake up. Especially, after reading this seemingly oblivious psychiatrist’s “expand” the system rant yesterday.


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  2. Mental Health, Inc. destroys pretty much anyone and everyone they can. Too old, too young, too bright, too slow, too short, too tall, too average, too middle class, too upper clas, too…too…human, basically.

    The talking people in Mental Health, Inc. mostly believe in the same pseudoscientific, state-sponsored religion that psychiatrists lead, basically as high priests. I had -1- talking person who basically told me that the big deal with “talk therapy” is forging a connection with another human being, especially at a time of needs. These days…thankfully, I have connections with real, genuine, caring human beings outside of the mental health kingdom, and that’s a huge part of my “recovery.”

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