Police Broke Into Chelsea Manning’s Home With Guns Drawn


From The Intercept: Shortly after Chelsea Manning posted what appeared to be two suicidal tweets on May 27, police broke into her home with their weapons drawn as if conducting a raid, in what is known as a “wellness” or “welfare check” on a person experiencing a mental health crisis. Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst turned whistleblower and U.S. Senate candidate, was not at home, but video obtained by The Intercept shows officers pointing their guns as they searched her empty apartment.

The footage, captured by a security camera, shows an officer with the Montgomery County Police Department in Bethesda, Maryland, knocking on Manning’s door. When no one responds, the officer pops the lock, and three officers enter the home with their guns drawn, while a fourth points a Taser. The Intercept is publishing this video with Manning’s permission.

“This is what a police state looks like,” Manning said. “Guns drawn during a ‘wellness’ check.”

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  1. Back to a recurring theme:

    In 2017, mental illness played a role in a quarter of 987 police killings, according to a tally by the Washington Post. People of color experiencing mental health crises are particularly at risk.

    Sort of like when cops burst into a pot party, shoot someone for no reason, and it is reported that marijuana “played a role” in the violence? And how about “people of color are particularly at risk” period in the U.S., with no qualifications needed?

    Still, Manning was being irresponsible in posting these tweets, as it put more than one person in danger. The system has a long memory and will not forget Manning’s (heroic) actions for a long time, and will take any opportunity to “send a message.” Chelsea’s “friends” who called the cops are idiots, and if it were me they would be ex-friends.

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