Mental Health Europe Launches Short Guide to Psychiatric Diagnosis


From the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: “Mental Health Europe (MHE) launches a new resource for people experiencing mental health difficulties.

A Short Guide to Psychiatric Diagnosis is for anyone seeking help from a doctor, psychiatrist or other health professional. It has been produced to help people who receive a mental health diagnosis, and those closest to them, to be better informed.

MHE hopes the Guide will encourage more meaningful discussions with health care professionals and improve the quality of the help and support on offer. It is also hoped that it will encourage a much wider debate about how we think about mental health in society.

Alongside information on diagnosis, the Guide has sections on other ways of thinking and talking about mental distress, and the importance of peer support.

Download A Short Guide to Psychiatric Diagnosis.”


  1. “These lists in medical terminology are described as symptoms. In reality, all of the symptoms are also experienced by people who are not described as mentally ill and for whom the impact on their lives may be temporary or unproblematic.”

    “A lot of diagnoses are in fact moral judgements reflecting changes to societal values and preoccupations rather than scientific progress.“

    Yes this guide speaks to the totally harmful nonsense of psychiatry and their devious labels. How much longer can these unethical quacks get to spew their nonsense!?

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    • I guess they feel the “guide” is a good thing. Wonder when they will write one for the shrinks? I mean of course, instead of the DSM.
      This guide is an attempt at solidifying the weakening belief of the people, the people that are questioning psychiatry, questioning enforced treatment.

      Problem is, the guide is available AFTER you look for help.
      And besides, most kids don’t know what it means if in fact they got to read it.
      In fact psychiatry is getting to them at an age where they can barely read yet.

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  2. LOL,
    I read the guide. It sounds absolutely empowering if you buy into the MI biz.
    I did notice that the “guide”, is available for “those” who have been given a “diagnosis”. Sweet, so “empowering”. and they snuck that one in while I wasn’t watching.
    I know a lot of people LOVE language. I am starting to believe that words mean little.
    The simplest of words, conjure up the “mental” world for me, or the “spiritual”. Like “soul”
    Like the word “emotions”. Everyone loves that word including psychiatry. “emotional dysregulation”. “emotionally balanced”…..
    “depressed”. We all know that feeling, I think.
    But I have thought about what it is I feel when I think that word.
    My true feelings within that word are, anger, sad, frustrated, and they all result from the situation I am in. They are responses coming from myself, and even sometimes absorbing them from people who won’t admit their feelings. It is even a lack of “resiliency” to the infeed I am getting, yet that is not measurable. It might be that the crap happening would make anyone have “negative” responses.
    And there is that word “negative”. How does anyone know if it is a negative response, as per the situation?
    After all, this is why eastern thinking crept into our world. To reframe, rethink, to not judge.

    We have ALL bought into the mental health world. The manner in which many poisonous systems invade our societies is incredible.
    Pardon me folks, my comment most likely does not sound “coherent”, since my “cognitive skills” tend to “wax and wane”, depending on how “organized my thinking” is.
    words can make me crazy.

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  3. The medical science (all of it, not just the psychiatry) is harmful by that it describes the diseases as resulting from chemical – mechanical dysfunctions. In reality, most of the diseases and even aging are results of autosuggestion.

    For example, when someone hears from a doctor that he/she is diagnosed with cancer, he/she enters a psychological chain reaction, literally self-destroying and dying sometime in less than an year. Imagine same person not hearing that diagnose. Wouldn’t he/she survive more, maybe not even having any serious issues?

    Psychiatry even more, creates confusion by presenting mental conditions as resulting from biological, chemical processes. This trivializes the perception of the intellectual and spiritual activities and even the perception of the purpose of life, making it to be seen as an exclusive material phenomenology.

    While chemistry seems to influence the state of awareness and psychological comfort, I think is not scientifically proved the theory that chemistry can change the way we think. The matter as support for mental processes has not real scientific evidence on its side.

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