‘We Are a Sedated Society’: The Rise in Antidepressants During Lockdown


From The Telegraph: According to The Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies (AIMP), there has been a ten to 15 per cent rise in antidepressant prescriptions across the country. The AIMP has also heard of struggles from pharmacies to meet the increase in demand. “Around the beginning of March, doctors were issuing more three-month prescriptions than before,” says Leyla Hannbeck, CEO of AIMP.



  1. I tried to see the article, but no can do. I’ll try later lol.

    I was able to access the comments though which often are the bonus to an article

    I like this one:
    “As GPs have barricaded themselves behind locked doors, they are presumably prescribing these significant drugs on the basis of, at the best, a phonecall?”

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  2. “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.”

    “Are GPs being too ‘trigger-happy’ with prescriptions?” They’ve been too trigger-happy with prescriptions for decades. Good to see most the commenters were aware of the dangers of the antidepressants, however.

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