From Mad in America Hispanohablante: Enric García Torrents writes on how it is critical to rethink mental health services from a collective perspective, highlighting the impact of inequality and other social determinants. Read in Spanish or English.
“Although the so-called mental disorders undoubtedly
have a biological correlate, their nature goes beyond the
body involving social, cultural and psychological
dimensions. More often than not our suffering is the
result of how we organize our affairs on a collective
level: the circumstances in which we are born, grow up,
live, work and age.”
The “biological correlate” is nothing more than legacy in oppression, and the anxieties or fears are passed down, EVEN if circumstances have changed.
For instance, why is there so much pain and alcoholism in indigenous people? Where is the bio bio for that?
Why does it continue for generations?
Spot on, Sam. Trauma experienced by past generations continues to affect current generations by epigenetic imprinting, on top of socioeconomic and cultural oppression still affecting the communities.
So since “Trauma experienced by past generations continues to affect current generations by epigenetic imprinting.” Thus traumatizing people is profitable for the psychiatric industry.
Which helps to explain why psychiatry is all about neurotoxic poisoning, electric shocking, torturing, and traumatizing innocent people. It’s to destroy not just their clients, but their client’s entire families, for generations. So psychiatry and psychology can profiteer forever off of their own crimes against humanity. All after promising to “first and foremost do no harm,” and promising all their clients they’re “doctors” here to “help” them.
Gosh, I’m pretty certain we found the hypocrites, who Dante said belong in the lowest depths of hell. All those Holy Spirit blaspheming psychologists and psychiatrists – who claim to be “scientists” – better be right that there is no God. And that their “science” is valid, which it is not. But they weren’t able to convince me not to believe in God and/or an Intelligent Designer.
When a government takes away the checks and balances of the justice system, and hands over the right to play judge, jury, and executioner to the “mental health professions.” I’ve seen many “mental health” workers lose their minds, due to the unchecked power they’ve wrongly been given.
And the “mental health” system is murdering “8 million” innocent people every year, according to the former NIMH director, with their “invalid” DSM disorders, and their neurotoxic psychiatric drugs.
Personally, I pray for God to judge all fairly, and bring about His will on this planet, which is a theology of love. Since the “mental health” industries’ hatred filled, elitist, scientifically “invalid,” by design systemic child abuse covering up, pedophile aiding, debunked DSM belief system is destroying America, and all Western civilizations, from within.
But in the meantime, we do need to be critically critiquing those who’ve unjustly been given the right to play judge, jury, and executioners to non-criminals. And the psychiatrists and psychologists need to be making proper amends to the millions of child abuse survivors who’ve been systemically misdiagnosed, by design, by the DSM deluded “mental health” workers.
Defaming people with “invalid” diseases, neurotoxic poisoning people, to destroy entire families for generations, for profit. That is about as disgusting as any industry can ever get. Psychiatry, and their psychological co-“conspirators,” need to be taken down. As do the child abuse covering up religious leaders, who joined into their systemic child abuse covering up “conspiracy,” like the ELCA religious leaders.
Rather than rationalizing a career in collective madness maintenance I would think it might be more beneficial, as well as healthy over all, to choose another door.
“Although the so-called mental disorders undoubtedly
have a biological correlate, their nature goes beyond the
body involving social, cultural and psychological
dimensions. More often than not our suffering is the
result of how we organize our affairs on a collective
level: the circumstances in which we are born, grow up,
live, work and age.”
The “biological correlate” is nothing more than legacy in oppression, and the anxieties or fears are passed down, EVEN if circumstances have changed.
For instance, why is there so much pain and alcoholism in indigenous people? Where is the bio bio for that?
Why does it continue for generations?
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Spot on, Sam. Trauma experienced by past generations continues to affect current generations by epigenetic imprinting, on top of socioeconomic and cultural oppression still affecting the communities.
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So since “Trauma experienced by past generations continues to affect current generations by epigenetic imprinting.” Thus traumatizing people is profitable for the psychiatric industry.
Which helps to explain why psychiatry is all about neurotoxic poisoning, electric shocking, torturing, and traumatizing innocent people. It’s to destroy not just their clients, but their client’s entire families, for generations. So psychiatry and psychology can profiteer forever off of their own crimes against humanity. All after promising to “first and foremost do no harm,” and promising all their clients they’re “doctors” here to “help” them.
Gosh, I’m pretty certain we found the hypocrites, who Dante said belong in the lowest depths of hell. All those Holy Spirit blaspheming psychologists and psychiatrists – who claim to be “scientists” – better be right that there is no God. And that their “science” is valid, which it is not. But they weren’t able to convince me not to believe in God and/or an Intelligent Designer.
When a government takes away the checks and balances of the justice system, and hands over the right to play judge, jury, and executioner to the “mental health professions.” I’ve seen many “mental health” workers lose their minds, due to the unchecked power they’ve wrongly been given.
And the “mental health” system is murdering “8 million” innocent people every year, according to the former NIMH director, with their “invalid” DSM disorders, and their neurotoxic psychiatric drugs.
Personally, I pray for God to judge all fairly, and bring about His will on this planet, which is a theology of love. Since the “mental health” industries’ hatred filled, elitist, scientifically “invalid,” by design systemic child abuse covering up, pedophile aiding, debunked DSM belief system is destroying America, and all Western civilizations, from within.
But in the meantime, we do need to be critically critiquing those who’ve unjustly been given the right to play judge, jury, and executioners to non-criminals. And the psychiatrists and psychologists need to be making proper amends to the millions of child abuse survivors who’ve been systemically misdiagnosed, by design, by the DSM deluded “mental health” workers.
Defaming people with “invalid” diseases, neurotoxic poisoning people, to destroy entire families for generations, for profit. That is about as disgusting as any industry can ever get. Psychiatry, and their psychological co-“conspirators,” need to be taken down. As do the child abuse covering up religious leaders, who joined into their systemic child abuse covering up “conspiracy,” like the ELCA religious leaders.
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Rather than rationalizing a career in collective madness maintenance I would think it might be more beneficial, as well as healthy over all, to choose another door.
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It would be rather sad indeed to have a carreer in “collective madness maintenance”, or anything of that sort.
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