The increasing rates of pediatric bipolar disorder diagnoses in the U.S. have sparked intense debate among clinicians, researchers, and parents. Once considered a rare condition in children, the diagnosis is now more prevalent, especially in American clinics. Critics, however, question whether this surge reflects a true rise in cases or the result of pharmaceutical influence and a psychiatric field grappling with ambiguous diagnostic criteria. This controversy cuts to the heart of how mental health conditions are defined, treated, and understood in a system where economic interests often intersect with clinical care.
A new article by Michael Connors from the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing in Sydney, Australia, suggests that bipolar diagnoses in children may be not only incorrect and harmful but a result of iatrogenic gaze, especially in the United States. Connors argues that the diagnosis has become popular for children, leading to an increase in prevalence without sufficient evidence to support it. The U.S. significantly differs from other parts of the world in the frequency and prevalence of pediatric bipolar disorder diagnoses.
âPaediatric bipolar disorder â bipolar disorder in prepubertal children â remains a controversial construct on both conceptual and empirical grounds and is associated with risk of iatrogenic harm. There remain significant international differences in opinions on the construct, particularly between authors from the United States of America and the rest of the world.â Connors writes.
Through a critical analysis of diagnostic validity, inter-rater reliability, and international differences in diagnosis rates, the discussion highlights how social, economic, and medical pressures may shape the understanding and treatment of bipolar disorder in children, raising broader concerns about the state of psychiatric nosology.
The whole of medicine is corrupt. For example antibiotic resistance has been talked about for maybe 30 years. Now antibiotic resistant infections are killing an increasing number of people. Drug companies would rather sell ritalin for the fake disease ADHD or develop a new “antidepressant ” than address this problem. Governments allow that to happen because their role is to help capitalism thrive.
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This psychiatric and drug industry, neoliberal mess is by far the most destructive iteration that the pseudoscience of Psychiatry has ever unleashed and given its history thats really saying something.
How is it possible for a so called medical speciality to reinvent itself over and over again with zero science and with each reinvention causing ever more harm and yet it just goes along on its destructive but HIGHLY profitable and useful to power way. Just answered my own question there.
Even that captain of contradiction Allen Frances predicated back in 2013 in his book ‘saving normal’ that we would see ‘a fake epidemic of adhd, bi polar and autism’ Did he have some crystal ball skills? no, he just realised that by lowering the criteria for all sorts of DSM constructs ever more ‘normal’ behaviour would be reframed as mental illness now the fashionable ‘neuro’ diverse – the Nikes of psychiatry – people are literally lining up to be labelled and drugged on mass its utterly crackers.
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I think we are moving beyond neoliberalism into state capitalist neo fascism. The world is in massive debt, drug companies increasing sales of drugs for fake diseases helps capitalism stay afloat and mass drugging and convincing people the causes of their misery is disease pacifies the population. Welcome to Brave New World.
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I for one was completely convinced by Robert Whitaker’s arguments in his three books that the overwhelming majority of “pediatric bipolar” diagnoses are iatrogenic in origin, i.e., caused by giving kids antidepressants and/or stimulants. I tell coworkers, other mental health workers, and patients that in my opinion, we categorically should not give psych meds to kids. Almost everyone seems to agree with me, yet the practice continues, seemingly more all the time.
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In order to imagine a new world that honors humans and all species on earth one needs to acknowledge and know the reasons behind the multiprismed chaos in the time of now.
I think MIA and other groups are showing in ugly detail the truths of what the earth has become. There are days that I canât deal abd sometimes the sorrow is like unending waves on a shore. But knowing truth and all her companions are climbing out of multiple wells across the globe keeps me moving on step by slow step. Our family on earth and in all its configured units are all in crisis. I am dealing with my own family crisis.
I am so grateful MIA and other groups are here. We all are trying so hard despite the sadness and despairing events of our times. Nature is still here. Love is still here. People are damn still trying. I choose to hold out for the future of all this small efforts. They may congeal in to a new world.
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HOPE is the LOVE of TRUTH, and the TRUTH of LOVE….What we ALL NEED MORE OF….
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I know Dr Michael Connors and he cited my research in his excellent article. For a multiyear in-depth exploration of the PBD phenomenon please take a look at my doctoral thesis – if you feel inclined:
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Thank you for sharing your “in-depth exploration of the PBD phenomenon,” I’ve only just read the first 29 pages, but I think it is likely a very important document. As a psychopharmacology researcher, out of necessity and experience, who does not agree with the DSM5, which took this disclaimer out of the DSM5.
“Note: Manic-like episodes that are clearly caused by somatic antidepressant
treatment (e.g., medication, electroconvulsive therapy, light therapy) should not count toward a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder.”
I agree with Whitaker’s concern that both the ADHD drugs and antidepressants can create the symptoms of “bipolar.” Since I’d had the common symptom of antidepressant withdrawal, “brain zaps,” misdiagnosed as “bipolar” in 2001.
And I found medical evidence that the “antipsychotics” can create both the positive and negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
Gee, if the adverse effects / symptoms of the “schizophrenia treatments” can create both the positive and negative symptoms of “the sacred symbol of psychiatry,” doesn’t that just make the whole of the psychiatric industry … an iatrogenic illness creation system?
“Is Pediatric Bipolar an Epidemic in the U.S. or a Result of Pharma Influence?” I think it’s both, and due to medical avarice and psychiatric and psychological hubris.
I’ll go back to reading your article, Peter. Thank you for your so far, seeming, truthful research and reporting. We need to stop psych drugging the children, and adults, of America. It’s appalling.
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Umm, Ms. Grant & Dr. Connors…respectfully, what new ground are you covering with this post?
8/19/2002-Time Magazine, “Young and Bipolar”.
Pharma continues to successfully incorporate, normalize, and calm manufactured fears of the former “manic depression” diagnosis. Sacrificing children is a non-issue when spun as ‘salvation’.
2006-PLoS Med, “The Latest Mania: Selling Bipolar” David Healy.
The accurate explanation of what was happening in the trenches.
As I had been swept up in the ‘Bipolar gold-rush’ following Allen Frances’ financially corrupted task force expanding ‘symptoms’ of BPD in the infamous DSM-IV, THIS validated what I was experiencing…saving what small sanity I still clung to.
2015-“Diagnosigate: Conflict of Interest at the Top of the Psychiatric Apparatus” Aporia, Paula J. Caplan, PhD.
The great Dr. Caplan was a member of the DSM-IV task force and quit.
Read the reason HERE.
Marcia Angell, former NEJM editor wrote “The Truth About Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What To Do About it”, 2004.
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Ms. Grant……& Dr. Connors,
“…qualitative research work can provide.a deeper understanding…”?
What new thoughts, issues, discoveries, is this referencing, on this topic?
2002-Time Magazine Cover story “Young and Bipolar”
2006-PLoS Med, “The Latest Mania: Selling Bipolar”, David Healy, MD
2015-“Diagnosisgate: Conflict of Interest at the Top of the Psychiatric Apparatus”, Aporia, Paula J. Caplan, PhD
And yes, James Davies work is also good and relevant.
And on & on…
Why is this article here?
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So-called “bi-polar” is a 100% fabricated, created & invented delusion, and excuse to $ELL DRUG$….
“IT” is in fact NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR, given the context of our current media-infected dystopia….
The very few “bi-polar” kids who actually DO have legitimate “behavioral pathologies”, are almost exclusively the result of environmental contaminants, lack of exercise, poor diet of overly processed pseudo-food, stress, and media-engendered mental trauma. plus inadequate, uninformed parenting. Too much screen time. Lack of Nature connection. Over-medication. Etc.,
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I did email the editors at MIA my story in detail this evening. Here is a shortened version.
In 1992, at age 9, I was diagnosed with Bipolar and ADHD and prescribed multiple psychotropics, including Antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, stimulants, and tranquilizers. This continued until recently. I am now 41. I suffered multiple bowel obstructions from some of these meds. Last Summer, something fortunate happened. During a mental health crisis, I was treated by a different psychiatrist and hospital. The new noble doctor determined after observing me that I don’t have Bipolar and probably never did. My manic and psychotic symptoms since childhood, he believes, were the medications. So, he stopped the multiple meds and prescribed instead the proper treatment and therapy for autism.
I feel better emotionally and have a level of clarity within my inner self for the first time in 30+ years. But the issue now is that SSDI cut all benefits and demands I pay them back almost $42K. I’ve never worked full-time my whole adult life since age 18 due to disability and Medicaid income limits. I may need to begin working full-time soon.
It is a terrible bureaucratic mess of the welfare system. My mother is trying to help advocate for me since the lawyers we have called recently to deal with these issues can’t help us or have told us mild autism is not a qualifiable disability condition, so I may need to pay back SSA. I don’t know what to do. So, if anyone at MIA can help or connect me to lawyers, advocates, or others with lived experiences, I would appreciate help on this. Thank you!
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Mr. Andrews,
If you wish, contact me @ [email protected].
I have some limited time to discuss an approach that may assist you.
For example….get organized. It will also help calm you.
Start a detailed file system immediately.
Start organizing ALL / Any of your past medical and pharmacy(!!) records.
Immediately request a copy of the ORIGINAL application for benefits and approval letter sent by the SS folks and request copies of ALL correspondence since that date. Might be a fee.
*Ensure you fill out the **APPROPRIATE*** request forms. Your parents/guardians MAY have to request as you were a minor.
Purchase a large spiral notebook and start recording EVERY. SINGLE. CONTACT. (electronic, phone, in person, mail) you have with ANYONE associated w/this topic: ex…Date, Time, Name & TITLE (GET ACCURATE SPELLING), what was said, NO EDITORIALIZING….immediately following/receiving.
Always have bullet points and accurate references (dates, contacts) when YOU initiate contact. Stay on script.
ALWAYS ALWAYS GET NAMES, TITLES, marked by date time.
Think like an attorney-Business, not Personal.
FINALLY….If nothing works, your files will make your case more palatable viewed by an actual law firm….AND enhances your CREDIBILITY.
K Hartmann
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Dear Mr Andrews,
I do hope you get success in your legal endeavours.
BD diagnoses at age 9 under the PBD construct were never valid and the product of a confluence of factors that included Big Pharma. There is information that may assist a legal team in my thesis:
You are not alone:
Best wishes.
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