Around The Web

Updates on critical psychiatry postings across the Internet.

“11 Things We Do That Make Us Miserable“

Huffington Post suggests that, along with increasing our happiness, "Sometimes equally important is identifying whatĀ habits we have that negate all of the positive mindset...

Head Movements Have Been Producing Consistent Bias in Brain Scans

A new study has shown that brain scans have an inherent bias towards making people with movement disorders seem to have less grey matter, writes Neuroskeptic in Discover. The findings, he writes, may be significant with respect to studies involving brain scans of people taking psychiatric drugs that either induce or reduce movement.

“Can You Be Just a Little ‘Psychopathic?'”

The Huffington Post" Jonathan Appel quotes C.H. Waddington in discussing Jon Ronson's TED Talk about the DSM-5; "There is a congruity between our apparatus...

“Prisoners of the Psyche: Forced Psychiatry in Todayā€™s Russia”

Compulsory psychiatric treatment of people accused of dissent has fallen from its former prevalence in Russia, with laws passed after the breakup of the...

“Improved Mental Health Treatment Wonā€™t Impact Mass Shootings or School Killings”

John Grohol of PsychCentral explains why, while "some well-meaning folks believe that all we need is 'better mental health treatment,' and suddenly we will...

ā€œHospitals Want to Test Drug with No Consentā€

ā€œA group of Boston doctors is proposing to join a study that would provide emergency treatment for brain-injured patients without obtaining the trauma victimsā€™...

“How to Take Kids Off Medication: Tips for Making Sure Your Child Makes a...

The Child Mind Institute advises that "When you're considering medication for a child with emotional or behavioral problems, how you start is very important....

“The Surprising Reason Americans Might Feel Helpless and Depressed”

Alternet attributes America's depression epidemic to corporations and right-wing politics, which feed our sense of learned helplessness, exploiting "the various ways that we all...

Disavow A Paxil Study Once And For All?

Pharmalot writes of a Paxil study which has been discredited for a decade, but never retracted or nor its authors rebuked despite the wide-ranging...

Lancet Editorial Argues for Better Science in Mental Health

An editorial in the Lancet Psychiatry suggests that mental health professionals rely more on intuition and "good intentions" than "good science," and that needs...

Young Adult Mental Health Books

-Two teenagers write about their struggles with psychological challenges and some of the young adult books that they've found to be helpful reading.

Sunday History Channel: Mindcraft Journeys into Hypnotism

The Wellcome Collection has produced a six-part digital story about the rise to popularity of mesmerism and hypnotism in the 1800s, and their fall...

“Is Everything You Know about Happiness Wrong?”

Sonja Lyubomirsky's book examines the false assumptions we all have about what makes us happy, and points in the direction of how to actually...

“A Must-Read for Mental Health Policy Makers: The New Edition of Mental Health and...

The Huffington PostĀ reviews "the standard text for students of mental health policy", saying "the new edition focuses attention on several of the major controversies...

Will Hall speaks to the APA

Beyond Meds offers an audio recording of Will Hall "a living example of someone who now thrives as a result of trusting his gut...

“Trauma Inducing Medical Care During the Birth Experience is Often the Cause of Post-partum...

Beyond Meds explores one mother's story that suggests an explanation for post-partem depression: the effect of medicalized childbirth. Article ā†’

“The Best Predictor…” (of Pharmaceutical PR Campaigns)

1 Boring Old Man points out the link between (possibly spurious) research findings and a subsequent wave of media articles and ad campaigns based...

“Thereā€™s no way to Identify Dangerous Psychiatric Patients”

From The National: "ā€¦ People with such problems do commit extreme acts of violence. But so do the mentally healthy. AĀ study published in the...

Future of Mental Health: Free Virtual Conference

-Dr. Eric Maisel hosts Joanna Moncrieff, Gary Greenberg, Lucy Johnstone and other critical thinkers during a week-long, free online conference starting February 23rd.

ā€œPunish People, Not Just Corporationsā€

Drug makers have faced large fines for unethical and harmful practicesĀ but have simply treated these as a cost of doing business. Ed Silverman reports...

“Mental health: On the spectrum”

Nature writes of the paucity of agreement on how to define or describe mental illness. "The problem is that biologists have been unable to...

“AbbVie & GSK Can Buy Your Data for Almost Nothing”

David Healy reposts a blog from, now reposted here: "This prescient post written by Phil Booth was posted on under the titleĀ Your...

“Psychosis Risk Syndrome is Back to Haunt Us”

Allen Frances adds to his catalog of DSM-5 mistakes with the return of the controversial - and ultimately rejected - "Psychosis Risk Disorder", under...

ā€œSteps to Reduce Pharma Influence over Canadian Docs Criticizedā€

The College of Family Physicians of Canada has now come under fire after releasing a report last month addressing conflicts of interests between pharma...

Australian Government Proposes Taking Welfare from Psychiatric Patients

-Green Party Senator Rachel Siewert calls "insidious" an Australian government plan to take income support away from anyone undergoing psychiatric confinement.