The Dangers of Getting “Diagnosed”

-"When we treat diagnosis as simply a medical issue, we mask the tremendous social power involved in putting a name to human suffering."

End of the Road for Genetics/Behavior Claims?

In Discover, Neuroskeptic discusses a new study that "could undermine the concept of ‘endophenotypes’ – and thus derail one of the most promising lines...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments in Psychiatry

Go to "Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments in Psychiatry" →                                ...

Antenatal Depression Associated w/Mom’s Childhood Maltreatment

Maternal antenatal depression is highly correlated with a history of the mother having been mistreated in childhood, and these two facts significantly increase the...

DSM — the Latest News and Happenings… Collected

Monica Cassani promises to add to Beyond Meds' chronicle, today and for the next week or so, of emerging coverage on the DSM rollout....

Risks of Preterm Births for Developing Brains

-Nature explores our growing understanding about the risks of preterm births for the development of children's brains.

Pain Predicts Psychopathology

Researchers from Italy, Hungary, and the U.S. investigated the extent that the subjective experience of pain in 575 psychiatric outpatients (without comorbid physical diagnoses)...

Social Environment Moderates the Link Between Family and Psychosis

A study of 4,011 people randomly selected from the population of Izmir, Turkey found that the association between familial liability for severe mental illness and the...

Obstetric Complication, Cannabis Use: Strongest Predictors of Early Psychosis

According to data drawn from 608 patients of an early intervention program in Dublin, presented at the 3rd Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS)...

Fear in Infants Predicts Guilt in Toddlers, Later Psychopathology

Researchers at Cardiff University in Wales find that fear in infants is a predictor of guilt in later life, and write in Development and...