Psychosis in the General Population
Schizophrenia Bulletin explores "the extended psychosis phenotype," finding that affective dysregulation, psychotic experiences, motivational impairments, and cognitive alterations are distributed throughout the population, and suggestive...
Psychosis Overlaps With Anxiety and Depression
In a representative community sample of 3021 adolescents and young adults, researchers in The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and the U.K. found that 27% of...
Schizophrenia Bulletin Questions the “Psychosis Phenotype”
In an editorial introducing its March issue, Schizophrenia Bulletin explores the categorical distinctions that have defined and directed research into psychotic disorders since the late 19th...
60 Minutes to Cover Antidepressant/Placebo Controversy This Sunday
Lesley Stahl interviews Irving Kirsch of the Placebo Studies Program at Harvard Medical School this Sunday's edition of 60 Minutes. Stahl says the implication...
Some Avoid Antipsychotics Because They Value Psychosis
Side effects, mistrust, stigma, forgetfulness and lack of insight have all been studied as reasons that up to 75% of people with a schizophrenia...
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy is Effective in Bipolar Disorder
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy increased mindfulness, lowered depressive mood symptoms, lessened attentional difficulties,...
Childhood Maltreatment Reduces Hippocampal Volume
Researchers at Harvard University, in the largest and most detailed study on the topic to date, found that childhood maltreatment is significantly associated with...
Benzo Discontinuation Improves Quality of Life and Reduces Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Researchers in Japan find that tapering or reducing benzodiazepines has a positive effect on quality of life, verbal and working memory, and psychiatric symptoms...
Non-Drug Therapies Outperform Drug Therapies in Preventing Relapse
In a study of 597 outpatients who were perceived as likely nonadherers to oral antipsychotic interventions, Spanish researchers found that relapse was lower in...
Beliefs About Illness and Rehabilitation Predict Outcome in Depression
Researchers in Germany found that in a sample of 98 patients, beliefs about illness and rehabilitation predicted outcome for depression independent of medical or...
Antidepressants Have No Effect On Bipolar Depression
In a review of 68 articles published between 2005 and 2011, Israeli researchers found that most well-controlled studies failed to show a significant effect of...
African-Americans More Likely to be Diagnosed Schizophrenic
In a study of 610 psychiatric inpatients and outpatients from six academic medical centers across the United States, African Americans were almost three times...
England Seeks to Stop Antipsychotics For Dementia
English health minister Paul Burstow is seeking to outlaw the 'silent scandal' of inappropriate antipsychotics for dementia by proposing legislation that imposes up to...
Antipsychotic Use Does Not Correlate With Conversion to Psychosis
Researchers in Brazil find, in a meta-analysis, that only 30% of youth deemed to be of ultra high risk of psychosis do in fact...
David Healy Critiques Gibbons’ Reanalysis of Antidepressants and Suicide
David Healy critiques the reanalysis by Robert Gibbons of antidepressants and suicidality in children and adolescents that was reported on this page yesterday. He...
Cognitive Therapy Shown to be Effective For Schizophrenia
Researchers report in the February issue of Archives of General Psychiatry that cognitive therapy improved both positive and negative symptoms in "low-functioning" patients with...
Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior With Antidepressant Treatment: A Reanalysis
In 2004 and 2006, the FDA concluded that SSRI antidepressants increased the risk of suicidal ideation in children and adolescents. However, in this month's...
Lawsuit Filed for Alleged Zoloft-Related Birth Defects
Lawyers in St. Louis have filed a lawsuit against Pfizer that alleges 18 children were born with birth defects caused by the antidepressant Zoloft...
Eli Lilly To Freeze Base Pay in 2012
Citing financial pressure from the loss of its patent on Zyprexa, Eli Lilly announced that it will freeze base pay for most of its...
Voice Hearing as a Dissociative Rather Than Psychotic Phenomenon
Researchers in England review in depth the evidence for voice hearing as dissociation, rather than psychosis, and suggest that voice hearing is a common...
First Personal Injury Lawsuit Over Risperdal Starts in New Jersey
Gary Skala's claim that 14 years of Risperdal caused his diabetes went to trial in New Jersey yesterday in the first personal injury lawsuit...
Adverse Childhood Events Contribute Significantly to Most Mental Health Problems
John Read and Richard Bentall write in the British Journal of Psychiatry about the growing understanding and acceptance of the significant role adverse childhood...
Bribery Alleged in Largest Antidepressant Study Ever Conducted
A 2011 whistleblower complaint that was unsealed on January 20 of this year alleges that Forest Pharmaceuticals bribed a principle investigator of the STAR*D...
Assessing Increased Mortality Risks of Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers in Dementia
An article in January's American Journal of Psychiatry weighs the relative risk of mortality associated with various antipsychotics and mood stabilizers used in the treatment of...
Religion and Spirituality Protect Against Depression
In The American Journal of Psychiatry, a longitudinal study of 114 persons at high risk for depression found that those who reported more religiosity...