Tag: Industry

Is Curing Patients a Sustainable Business Model?

From CNBC: A recent report by Goldman Sachs analysts questions whether curing patients, as opposed to providing them with chronic therapies, could pose a financial...

There’s No Such Thing As “Sound Science”

In this piece for FiveThirtyEight, Christie Aschwanden explains how various industries have used the language of the "open science" reform movement, which advocates for more transparency in scientific...

Alcohol Industry is Misleading Consumers About Cancer Risk

From MinnPost: According to an international team of researchers, the alcohol industry is misleading the public by misrepresenting and downplaying evidence linking alcohol consumption with cancer. "For...

Silicon Valley Courts Brand-Name Teachers, Raising Ethics Issues

From The New York Times: Tech companies are increasingly recruiting school teachers to help improve and promote their education tools in exchange for perks, including...

Two Thirds of Patients See Physicians Who Receive Payments From Pharma

Study finds more patients are visiting physicians who have ties to industry than previously thought.

“The Overdiagnosis of ADHD”

The general theme, that various "mental illnesses" are being "overdiagnosed" is gaining popularity in recent years among some psychiatrists, presumably in an effort to distance themselves from the trend of psychiatric-drugs-on-demand-for-every-conceivable-human-problem that has become an escalating and undeniable feature of American psychiatric practice. But the implicit assumptions – that there is a correct level of such labeling, and that the label has some valid ontological significance – are emphatically false.

“Holding Big Pharma Accountable: Why Suing the Pharmaceutical Industry Isn’t Working”

Writing for the Huffington Post, Caroline Beaton looks into how drugs continue to make billions in sales even after they lose lawsuits for fraud and misconduct. “The persistence of Big Pharma's fraud despite ubiquitous legal action suggests that our present efforts to hold the industry accountable are ineffective,” Beaton writes. “New polices in motion will make potentially unsafe drugs even easier to bring to market and promote.”

Nominee for FDA Commissioner Has Strong Industry Ties

On Tuesday, the Obama administration nominated Dr. Robert Califf to be the new commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In a statement, director of the Public Citizen’s Health Research Group, Dr. Michael Carome called on the Senate to reject the nomination. He contends that Califf “racked up a long history of extensive financial ties to multiple drug and medical device companies, including Amgen, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, Merck Sharp & Dohme and Sanofi-Aventis, to name a few.”