Tag: institutionalization

How Far Has Psychiatry Really Come? Historical Practices Versus Modern-Day Psychiatry

The basic assumptions behind unethical practices like lobotomies and insulin shock therapy are still the foundation on which psychiatry’s main treatments are built today.

Early Intervention Can Change the Trajectory of Foster Care Children

Study highlights the importance of early interventions for institutionalized children.

Break the Silence on Abuses of Institutionalized Children

From Rooted in Rights: "I have been made to believe that the violence I experienced in the hospital was a statistical anomaly. No story...

“Diagnostic Dissent”: Experiences of Individuals Who Disagreed With Their Diagnosis

Researchers investigate the first-person experiences of people who disagreed with their psychiatric diagnosis of psychosis.

Institutionalization: An Unacknowledged Cause of Psychiatric Outpatients’ Deterioration

Psychiatry didn’t really stop institutionalizing people; it just found new ways to do it. Institutionalization, rather than drug toxicity, best explains patients’ downhill course and their worsening after coming off meds, as they have lost the skills needed to cope with life’s challenges due to disuse.

“Prisons Without Bars” – Forced Institutionalization of People with Disabilities

In the wake of deinstitutionalization, we no longer have the vast asylum system we once did. Instead, something more insidious has taken root — for-profit institutions that call themselves neurorehabilitation centers, group homes, and other official-sounding names.

When Oregon Sent its Most Troubled Patients Into the Woods

From TIME: In 1972, 51 of the most troubled mental health patients at Oregon State Hospital were sent into the woods for a camping trip....

Radical Disabled Americans Bringing Direct Action to Your Town

From Pacific Standard: ADAPT, a national direct action disability rights group, recently staged a protest to fight provisions in the GOP's health care plan that will...

New York Times Hosts Debate on Psychiatric Institutionalization

In the Room for Debate section of this weekend's New York Times, specialists in ethics, psychiatry, social work, addiction, and human rights hash out their...

John Oliver on Mental Health

On his weekly HBO show, Last Week Tonight, host John Oliver argues that the tendency to discuss mental health in the wake of a mass shooting is "deeply misleading."

From Independent to Institutionalized

Dutch peer support education has changed dramatically over time since its inception. Peer support education has evolved over time from empowered and independent peer support education to institutionalized peer support education. In effect the (future) peer support workers in the Netherlands could become clinician-friendly peer support workers who merely represent peer support work in name but not in practice.