Tag: mad pride

Is Madness an Evolved Signal? Justin Garson on Strategy Versus Dysfunction

Philosopher Justin Garson discusses the potential benefit of looking at madness not as disease or defect, but as a designed feature.

Will US Agency New Head End Stonewalling About Money for Involuntary...

Hopefully, one of the first actions Dr. Delphin-Rittmon takes at SAMHSA will be ending the stonewalling about support for involuntary mental health care.

We Are the 100%: World Mad Pride, Disability, & Revolution

This year, I finally got that first major speaking invitation: One of the four keynoters in the largest gathering each year for mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors, Peerpocalypse.

“We Are All Mad!” A Call for the Development of an...

I can imagine all the “MAD” affiliates working together regarding specific initiatives or projects.

Re-establishing My Credentials: Psychiatric Survivor Activists Are Needed Now!

For more than four decades, I have worked as a psychiatric-survivor human rights activist. Then, at the end of 2012, I broke my neck. As readers of my blog posts, such as those on Mad in America, know, I have devoted the past few years to rehab and activism. But it has been a while since my last personal blog. Let me sum up my Mad Pride journey today, because a lot is changing.

Mad Pride Rises in Mexico

The Mad Pride movement continues to spread around the world, with a first-ever march in Mexico City.

Recovery Versus Mad Pride: Exploring the Contradictions

What would mental health treatment look like if it balanced an awareness of the need for “recovery” with an awareness that people also sometimes need to go “out of their minds” to resolve problems that they haven’t been able to solve otherwise, or maybe that their entire culture has not been able to face and resolve?

Judi Chamberlin and the Fight Against Institutionalizing Women

In this piece for Rooted in Rights, s.e. smith chronicles the life of Judi Chamberlin and discusses the important role she played at the intersection of...

Mad Pride: Making a Truce With the Voices in Your Head

In this piece for Vice, Tess McClure describes New Zealand's Mad Pride movement, a movement that seeks to destigmatize, normalize, and celebrate experiences of voice-hearing...

Asylum Magazine: Mad Studies Comes of R/Age, Part Two

A new issue of Asylum Magazine is available. This issue is the second in a two-part series highlighting new and original work on the theme...

Changing the Stories we Tell Ourselves can Change our Lives

In this piece for The Nerdy Herbalist, one woman shares the way that framing her mood experiences as dangerous gifts, not symptoms or disorders, has impacted...

Madness and Wisdom

This IAI TV video explores the subject of madness, posing the question: might madness be a strange form of wisdom?

Our Coming to Mad in Aotearoa

Madness cannot be separated from our cultural contexts. Our dream is that there are spaces for people of all cultures and countries who experience living with, through and beyond madness to tell their unique stories. We have created Mad in Aotearoa for all the people in our country.