Tag: Media
Researcher Critiques Misleading Media Coverage of Lancet Antidepressant Meta-Analysis
The BMJâs clinical editor takes issue with uncritical media coverage of antidepressant network meta-analysis, outlining reporting missteps.
The Antidepressant Wars in the Post-Truth Era
We have at least some solid, incontrovertible evidence available to all that the claims about antidepressants in the press do not directly match the text of the source article in the Lancet. Nowhere in the original article did the authors make the extreme or even controversial claims appearing in the mainstream media.
When You Start Paying Attention to Everyday Sensory Experience
From Aeon: A new video aims to capture the small, abstract moments that make up our inner lives, that would otherwise go ignored or quickly...
Psychological Misconceptions in Movies and TV Shows
This piece for The Learning Scientists lists five misconceptions about psychology and the mind that are commonly portrayed in television and film.
Conflicts of Interest at World Conference of Science Journalists
From HealthNewsReview.org: The 10th World Conference of Science Journalists, which occurred recently in San Francisco, received $600,000 total from pharmaceutical and healthcare product companies. In...
The Truth is Out There: The Philosophy of the X-Files
From Big Think: The X-Files, a popular TV show from the 1990's, explores the philosophy of science, delving into questions about what constitutes quality science. While one...
The Paranoid Fantasy at the Heart of “It”
From Pacific Standard: It, the first feature-film adaptation of a 1986 horror novel by Stephen King, has broken box office records for the horror genre, making...
New Nutrition Study Changes Nothing
From The Atlantic: The science of nutrition and healthy eating is not complicated and has remained relatively consistent for the past several years. However, the...
The Empathy Machine
From Aeon: We typically think of empathy as an emotions-based state that involves feeling another's distress or joy. However, cognitive, rationalist empathy involving reasoned perspective-taking may...
Why Everyone Should Watch 13 Reasons Why
From Mindbodygreen: The new Netflix series 13 Reasons Why portrays poignant and important truths about the causes of teen suicide, including the prevalence of bullying and...
Girls’s Powerful Insight on Trauma
From The Atlantic: A recent episode of the TV show Girls renders a poignant portrayal of gender-based violence and explores the individual and collective impact of...
Stigma May Increase Distress in Individuals Who Hear Voices
Review finds that stigma around voice hearing is connected to isolation, secrecy, and poorer functioning.
“The Overdiagnosis of ADHD”
The general theme, that various "mental illnesses" are being "overdiagnosed" is gaining popularity in recent years among some psychiatrists, presumably in an effort to distance themselves from the trend of psychiatric-drugs-on-demand-for-every-conceivable-human-problem that has become an escalating and undeniable feature of American psychiatric practice. But the implicit assumptions â that there is a correct level of such labeling, and that the label has some valid ontological significance â are emphatically false.
RAISE Study Out Of Sync With Media Reports
Writing on his 1 Boring Old Man blog, Dr. Mickey Nardo reflects on the media frenzy around the RAISE study and asks why the prescription data has not been released. He adds skepticism about the political motives of the potentially overblown results, which he sees as a clear push for increased mental health funding.
How Many Deaths Will It Take Till We Know?
Each time I see the initials for Mad In America, MIA, I think of the Vietnam war and lost young men. I remember engraved...
The New York Times and all that…
It has been indeed an honor to have my story feaÂtured on the front pages of the New York Times. It is rare that peoÂple with...