Tag: psychopharmacology

David Healy – Polluting Our Internal Environments: The Perils of Polypharmacy

On the MIA Podcast, Dr David Healy discusses World Tapering Day, antidepressant treatment and sensory neuropathy and the difficulties that can be encountered when trying to deprescribe.

Patient Reports Reveal SSRI Antidepressants Often Lead to Emotional Blunting

According to patient reports, SSRI antidepressants most frequently lead to the subjective experience of emotional blunting.

New Review: Antidepressants Come with Minimal Benefits, Several Risks

A review of research on antidepressant efficacy finds that an unfavorable risk-to-benefit ratio.

Psychiatric Drugs may Reduce Social and Emotional Capacities

Research finds that social cognition and emotional processing abilities can be disrupted by psychiatric drugs.

Large Study Confirms Elevated Risk of Diabetes When Prescribed Antipsychotics

A large longitudinal study finds once more that being prescribed antipsychotics significantly increases the risk of diabetes.

Burn Baby Burn (Psychopharmacology Part 3)

In the 16 years from 1952 to 1968, the world changed in astonishing ways. In the 16 years since I first gave this talk, it has changed almost as much again. When some future historian looks back at this period, will they say it was a time when the field’s significant figures tweeted while psychiatry burned?

Tweeting while Medicine Burns (Psychopharmacology Part 2)

This is the world that lies in store for us. It is not the world of traditional medicine, where drugs treat diseases to restore the social order. It is a world in which medical interventions will potentially change that order.