Summing up the STAR*D Scandal: The Public was Betrayed, Millions were...
American psychiatry, the NIMH, the larger medical community, and mainstream media have betrayed the American public by failing to make this scandal known.
Investigators Who Blew the Whistle On STAR*D Fraud Call for Retraction...
A letter that Ed Pigott and Jay Amsterdam sent to Ned Kalin, editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Psychiatry.
Winding Back the Clock: What If the STAR*D Investigators Had Told...
The STAR*D Study has been cited as real-world evidence of the efficacy of antidepressants. In truth, it told of a failed paradigm of care.
New Data Reveal the Full Extent of STAR*D Failure
The initial study, which has been used to promote antidepressants, employed outcome switching to hide poor results.
Reanalysis of STAR*D Study Suggests Overestimation of Antidepressant Efficacy
Reanalysis of the original primary outcome measure in the STAR*D study suggests STAR*D findings inflate improvement on antidepressant medication and exclusion criteria in conventional clinical trials results in overestimation of antidepressant efficacy.
SSRI Ineffective at Treating Depression in Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease
Dr. Madhukar Trivedi and colleagues find that the SSRI sertraline does not reduce depressive symptoms any more than placebo in people with Chronic Kidney Disease.
Large-Scale Study Reveals Arbitrariness of DSM Depression Diagnosis
A new study on the depression symptoms of over three-thousand patients challenges the criteria used for diagnosing major depression with the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5). Current diagnostic systems are based on an assumption that the symptoms of depression point to a common underlying “illness," but research suggests that this framework may be outdated and oversimplified.