Tag: diagnostic alternatives

Can a Conceptual Competence Curriculum Bring Humility to Psychiatry?

Training for conceptual competence in psychiatry provides a new way forward to address theoretical and philosophical issues in mental health research and practice.

The Power Threat Meaning Framework One Year On

The team that developed the Power Threat Meaning framework as a diagnostic alternative reflects on the response to the framework after one year.

Researchers Recommend Diagnosing Social Adversity Rather than Individual Disorders

Already-existing ICD codes provide a diagnostic alternative to biomedical models of health by contextualizing suffering within psychosocial conditions, yet these codes are underutilized.

How About a Diagnostic Alternative for Use in Talk Therapy?

Note: This post originally appeared on August 18, 2014 on dxsummit.org. On August 5 and 6, 2014, a group of roughly twenty persons met in Washington, DC...

DxSummit Officially Launches

As co-chair of the Diagnostic Summit Committee of the Society for Humanistic Psychology, I am pleased to announce that today we officially launch the Global Summit on Diagnostic Alternatives (DxSummit.org), an online platform for rethinking mental health. Our goal is to provide a place for a collegial and rigorous discussion of alternative ways to conceptualize and practice diagnosis. Today's launch is marked by the appearance of our first eight posts. These posts come from a variety of prominent people in the field, each offering a unique perspective on the current state of diagnosis and where we might take things as we move forward.