A Victim Re-Victimised

I had just been physically abused, deprived of my liberty and had my property stolen. Yet, I was the one who was being arrested.
A photo of RFK Jr. emerges from a pile of blue pills

RFK Jr. May Be Wrong on Many Medical Issues, But He’s Right About Antidepressants

Documented cases show a link between SSRIs and school violence, but pharma has suppressed the data that could prove this link.
A drawing of a human head, brain visible in profile, being burned

Upcoming ECT Legislation Needs to Be Revised

Testimony submitted to the Connecticut state legislature in opposition to a bill expanding forced ECT.
Two hands holding pills, one with a smiley face, the other with x's for eyes and a frown

Observational Studies Confirm Trial Results That Antidepressants Double Suicides

Depression drugs don’t work, and they increase suicide.
Abstract design made of thick canvas paint relevant for human connections with the world's colors and textures

Schizophrenia in Philosophy and Theology

From Socrates to Jesus to Nietzsche, all experienced divine Beatific Visions, just as I have.
Illustration of a head showing brain and cogs in the background

Psychiatry, Capitalism, and the Industrial Machine

Psychiatry, under the guise of science, tries to identify and manage those who deviate from industrial society's norms.

Art, Poetry, and Humor Galleries

View the artwork, poetry, and humor galleries and submit your work. Or visit the Arts Corner.

Deep Blue by Iluminada Santos

Maike Holleck, doctoral candidate at Texas A&M University, is currently seeking parents as participants to interview and learn from in order to help counselors better serve them and their adolescent children. You can follow this link if interested in participating.

Psychology and the Other 2025 is currently seeking proposals for group symposia, individual papers, and posters that seek some form of interchange between psychology, philosophy, theology, and/or humanities-related disciplines. Submit your proposal here.

Survivors And Families Empowered (SAFE) has developed a pilot project to work with caring families who have been stymied in their search for support and help. You can fill out their survey here.

Please join us on Saturday, February 22, at 1PM ET, for The Case For Soteria: Past, Present and Future, a special panel on the Soteria house model of treatment.

“All Real Living Is Meeting”: Brent Robbins on Love, Death, and the Possibilities of...

Psychologist and existential thinker Brent Robbins reflects on a lifetime of work, the limits of psychiatric diagnosis, and what facing mortality has taught him about joy and human connection.

Kids Are Not the Problem: An Interview With Gretchen LeFever Watson

In this interview, Brooke Siem, who is the author of a memoir on antidepressant withdrawal, May Cause Side Effects, interviews Gretchen LeFever Watson, PhD. Gretchen...

Peer Support and Resistance: Becky Brasfield’s Vision for Mental Health Justice

In this interview with Ayurdhi Dhar, Becky Brasfield calls for radical truth-telling in the mental health system.

Summing up the STAR*D Scandal: The Public was Betrayed, Millions were Harmed, and the...

American psychiatry, the NIMH, the larger medical community, and mainstream media have betrayed the American public by failing to make this scandal known.

Mad Sisters: An Interview With Susan Grundy

Susan Grundy on her lifelong caregiving journey for an older sister diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 13.

The Anatomy of Anxiety: An Interview With Ellen Vora

Dr. Ellen Vora, author of 'The Anatomy of Anxiety', joins us to discuss trauma, grief, functional medicine and more.


Awareness – an unused resource in the Norwegian healthcare system

To meet the health challenges of the future, we must recognize that being human is about more than bodily functions – it is also about meaning, relationships and a deeper understanding of ourselves. The seven columnists encourage a broader conversation about the role of consciousness in creating more health in ourselves and our surroundings.

The Utopia of Reality

When we are asked to organize a health service (in our psychiatric case), the difficulty is to find concrete answers to the specific questions that come from the concrete reality in which it operates. But the responses concerning reality should transcend it (through the utopian element), trying to transform it.

Mental Health – An Umbrella Term with Holes Under Which We...

For me, the term mental health is, at best, a belief system. The world of human emotion is overflowing with theories, beliefs, interventions and possibilities, but very few certainties and facts.

Video Gallery


All Real Living Is Meeting – In Conversation With Brent Robbins

Part 1

Part 2