Art, Poetry, and Humor Galleries
View the artwork, poetry, and humor galleries and submit your work. Or visit the Arts Corner.
Deep Blue by Iluminada Santos
View the artwork, poetry, and humor galleries and submit your work. Or visit the Arts Corner.
Deep Blue by Iluminada Santos
Maike Holleck, doctoral candidate at Texas A&M University, is currently seeking parents as participants to interview and learn from in order to help counselors better serve them and their adolescent children. You can follow this link if interested in participating.
Psychology and the Other
Survivors And Families Empowered (SAFE) has developed a pilot project to work with caring families who have been stymied in their search for support and help. You can fill out their survey here.
Please join us on Saturday, February 22, at 1PM ET, for The Case For Soteria: Past, Present and Future, a special panel on the Soteria house model of treatment.
All Real Living Is Meeting – In Conversation With Brent Robbins
Part 1
Part 2