Using data from the National Comorbidity Survey, researchers found that individuals with a psychotic disorder who had lost a child had a significantly later age of onset, and that psychosis frequently occurred within a year of the loss. The researchers conclude that “the findings implicate child loss as an etiological factor in the onset of psychosis, providing converging evidence with previous studies demonstrating associations between more widely studied trauma exposures (abuse, neglect, and assault) and psychosis.”
DeVyler, J., Wang, J., Oh, H., Lukens, E., Child loss and psychosis onset: Evidence for traumatic experience as an etiological factor in psychosis. Psychiatry Research, ePub: August 30, 2012
Of further interest:
Death of Child Linked to Psychosis Onset
I’m looking forward to the day when a study is published with this headline:
“Research concludes that *any person* can suffer a breakdown (psychosis),and any person can also *recover* from one.”
Call me crazy.
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