“When Students Become Patients, Privacy Suffers”


ProPublica explains why a university mental health center contacted the estranged parents of a student over eighteen without her consent, and why another student’s personal counseling records were used against her in a sexual-assault investigation.

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  1. One more reason to stay away from the psych industry. They ruin your life in so many different ways one does not know where to start. And after that they dare to turn around and tell you how bad “stigma” is.

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    • Btw, I don’t belive that for a minute:

      “There’s no doubt in my mind that the schools are trying to strike the right balance,” said Paul Lannon, a Boston lawyer who advises colleges on legal issues. “They care for the students. They want the students to do well. They want the students to be healthy.”

      All they want is to cover their a** in case something happens. Nobody cares about students, they are there to be made money off.

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    • And what does that really mean:

      “The students are almost inevitably legal adults, but there are a lot of other parties that have skin in the game and really have concerns and to one degree or another legitimate involvement.”

      ALMOST legal adults? I didn’t know that when you become a student you become infantalized. I knew that happens when you become a patient but apparently this way of social control is expanding. If it’s really health we’re talking about then the same rules should apply and the patient’s welfare should come first. Unless it’s not health that all these “other parties” have in mind.

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  2. I graduated from college a long time ago, 1970. I went one time to the campus medical center one time in the four years I was a student and I knew immediately not to ever go back there. It was a sorry excuse for a place giving medical treatment and this was on the flag ship campus of the state university system. Back then it was the only state university. The people working there were the rejects from other places and the doctor was absent and not even available. One trip and that was enough to convince me that any time I needed medical help I was going to seek it off campus.

    So, there is no way that I’d ever have asked for psychiatric “help” from a place like that. The psychiatrist who worked there was known to spend more time in the “hospital” than all of his “patients” combined. If he couldn’t even take care of his own life how was he going to counsel anyone else about what was going on in their lives.

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  3. I know with 100% certainty, HIPPA laws are being broken by medical professionals, not just on college campuses. I was taken to a hospital for lying in a park, minding my own business, staring at the clouds, trying to mentally come to grips with just finding the medical proof of the anticholinergic poisonings to which I was subjected.

    And I already knew that discussing malpractice with doctors results in psychiatric poisonings, so I did not choose to discuss my concerns, or sign HIPPA forms, and I politely refused medical care at that hospital. I was given an unneeded physical, which resulted in a “medically clear” diagnosis.

    But, I was then, medically unnecessarily shipped (in the middle of the night) back to the exact same psychiatrist who had “snowed” me three years earlier. A psychiatrist, whose partner in crime, was later arrested for having lots of patients medically unnecessarily shipped to himself, then “snowing” patients, and then performing unneeded surgeries for profit.

    The “mob” follows the money, and right now the money is in the medical field.

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