“Suicide rates in the United States have been rising, especially among veterans and members of the armed forces. Traditional assumptions about why people kill themselves have not led to effective strategies for suicide prevention,” psychologist Craig Bryan tells Science News. “So in recent years, psychologists and others have been reconsidering basic beliefs about why people carry out the ultimate act of self-destruction.”
“Bryan’s team has found particularly intense thoughts of suicide among soldiers with depression and PTSD,” stigmatizations which result in medication. But there is basically no discussion about the actual effects of the drugs, or their potential influence on suicidal ideation or attempts.
It is quite staggering how many researchers ignore the elephant in the room. Good thing there is one psychiatrist who functions as the “conscience of psychiatry.” Strikes me there should be more than just one conscience, within an entire industry, however.
Share your concern.
Same “medications” SSRI’s / SNRI’s (with risk of iatrogenic suicidality, aggression, homicidality) – are used in those considered to have depression as well as PTSD.
AKATHISIA is the common mediating adverse drug reaction. There remains very limited awareness and very limited diagnostic recognition amongst prescribers.
Also: – Those thousands of civilians who have escaped the terrors of war (and worse-still) in the worlds conflict zones will be seen as a massive psychopharma marketing opportunity.
Suicide prevention demands accurate, rapid, reliable, recognition of AKATHISIA as a matter of great urgency.
For Sure.
To find out why people carry out suicide I’d recommend to Experts that they interview the people that attempt suicide. This is where the relevant information is likely to to be found.
Akathesia is a very distressing condition that can have different levels. Akathesia can also be accompanied by ‘chemical states’ of extreme fear (which to me were the worst experience of my life).
(I’ve had 4 suicidal hospitalizations on medication and full recovery off medication).
“To find out why people carry out suicide I’d recommend to Experts that they interview the people that attempt suicide. This is where the relevant information is likely to be found.”
Completely 1000% agree. What else could possibly be the case?