“Some Hospitals Still Refuse to Let Mental Health Patients Go Outside, Despite Laws to Protect This Right”


Sarah Beller from The Influence: “On Friday, the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health issued new ‘Fresh Air’ rules for psychiatric patients in the state. The rules require hospitals to grant mental health patients daily outdoor access (depending on factors like weather, and the patient’s medical condition, legal status, or risk of running away). But according to Stat News, up to 20 Massachusetts hospitals—about one-third of the psychiatric facilities in the state—plan to seek waivers to the new rules. The hospitals cite concerns about ‘safety, staffing, space, and liability.’ Some private hospitals are also saying that because the average length of psychiatric stay in Massachusetts is ‘only’ nine days, access to fresh air doesn’t matter.”


fresh air


  1. ….I’m not at ALL sure that I could even live *9* *hours* without going outdoors….
    And *9* *days* without a walk in the woods would be cruel and unusual punishment….
    The bleeding-heart Libruls in Massachusetts are just so compassionate, aren’t they….????….

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  2. While I was illegally held for two and a half weeks (as long as my insurance agreed to pay) by this now FBI convicted doctor:


    I was not allowed to go outside, my family was not allowed to visit me, my friends who came to visit me were turned away, my phone was taken away. And, just like Kuchipudi’s other patients, I was “snowed” in the hopes he could perform an unneeded tracheotomy for a non-existent “chronic airway obstruction,” according to my medical records.

    Forced treatment is all about the money. It should be made illegal.

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    • By the way, my forced treatment occurred while Kuchipudi was working at the much larger, ELCA owned, Advocate Good Samaritan hospital. And that hospital believes Kuchipudi’s crimes against patients is “appropriate medical care” to this day.

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