Trauma in the Name of Treatment: Multiple Studies Confirm Adverse Experiences in Psychiatric Hospitalization

A comprehensive review of psychiatric hospitalizations reveals widespread harm, from coercion to retraumatization, challenging the dominant narrative of therapeutic intent.


A new study published in the International Journal of Nursing Studies systematically reviews the negative experiences of psychiatric hospitalization. The research team, led by Nutmeg Hallett at the University of Birmingham, examines the adversities faced by individuals who have been admitted to psychiatric hospitals, using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model to understand the broader systemic impact.

Their findings reveal that adverse experiences are not limited to coercive practices like restraints or forced medication, but extend to the overall inpatient environment, interactions with staff, and systemic failures that undermine autonomy and well-being. Many participants described these experiences as traumatizing, dehumanizing, and disempowering—raising fundamental questions about the effectiveness and ethics of psychiatric hospitalization.

“Our findings revealed a far wider range of negative experiences, encompassing the totality of the inpatient experience through three overarching themes: the ecosystem, systems, and the individual.”

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  1. I quickly read through this, a lot of the language being standard for what might even call scientism. The whole political plethora of how the “disease” is labeled as being “biological,” not a word that this doesn’t hold water, or everything else that’s leaking. This for example: “Many felt manipulated or threatened into taking medication, fearing consequences if they refused.” replace “medications” with substances-not-proven-statistically-or-scientifically-to-correlate-with-recovery-only-short-term-suppression-of-symptoms-in-a-marginal-fashion-often-where-upon-statistically-there-is-more-relapsing-as-well-as-the-so-called-medications-causing-scientifically-proven-chemical-imbalance-while-said-to-be-treating-them and this opens up too much of the truth apparently.

    But yeah, make such a report and it works within the system….. Don’t actually list the overriding causes….

    At first, upon going over this report, I noticed there’s no mention of what happens before a person might end up in an asylum. The degree that logical, normal or natural responses to a situation that isn’t acknowledged are going on. How a person by that point has met with umpteen roadblocks, whether at home, at work, at church, at school, in the neighborhood, regarding what one reads in the news etc. And mostly only gets points for seeing this otherwise understandable response that might bring perspective as a disease one is to be phobic about and might have started to believe it, further losing one’s way…..

    I remember that it was reported by the WHO that in “developing” countries where there wasn’t money for “medications,” despite that patients were treated possibly quite brutally, there was less relapsing. What does this say about making this “treatment” more “nice” while ignoring AGAIN what it seems to mostly ignore!?

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  2. Caring about, seeking to understand, supporting and loving a human being heals them, but is also the natural response that would prevent human beings getting sick in the first place. And is that ever, ever going to happen on a social scale? Do wake up, for many millions of kids are at stake. If we don’t love our children they will be lost – full stop. And where there is stress, fear, sorrow, suffering, how can we love our children? We can’t even reach ourselves and prevent our own drowning. Having another clambering onto your body to try and stay afloat and get some air just drowns you more surely. This is why everybody in rehabs and hostels tends to come unstuck in the end, of if they did get some air, there was an undoubtably a body count behind it. I know this is not what they say in books but it’s the actual fact. Survival is a zero sum game, and excessive in the field of survival is we call greed.

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    • Inquisition sadism is a corner stone. Western Rome can fall again? Seems impossible as AI manages the impossible now. Only volcanoes can solve our problems. The most dangerous tend to pop out of nowhere, not from established sites. Water changes position, volcanism goes up. Pray to earth it solves our problem before it is too late.

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      • AI is a wonderful tool based on how it is used. ChatGPT (and similar tools) is a godsend for me. Really, a godsend. One of the most incredible things I’ve used in my life.

        However, just like nuclear energy, which can be used to make power plants or weapons which annihilate cities, it depends on who uses it and for what purpose.

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  3. “There is substantial evidence indicating that psychiatric hospitalizations increase the risk of suicide both during and after psychiatric hospitalization.”

    Isn’t the point of psychiatry and psychology supposed to be about preventing suicides?

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  4. Most of the people who wind up in psych wards are already dealing with emotional abandonment of some kind, a trauma that psychiatric incarceration usually intensifies.

    All these “experts” need to do is ask themselves how they’d feel if they were locked up, isolated or ignored and treated like shit when at their most vulnerable.

    How long is it going to take for the “experts” to realize that the loss of autonomy is not conducive to emotional healing?

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  5. Friends, I have submitted a tip to the FBI that psychiatry constitutes human trafficking and that we must close the American psychiatric concentration camps. I would like to encourage everybody here to become as annoying as possible to very important people because you never know who might listen.

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    • What a marvellous suggestion. I’m in. And Mr McRea as well as regular visitors here will confirm that I am already compulsively annoying, so you are speaking for me. Indeed being annoying has become a full time job (not that I’m trying to have an annoying competition with you, but there’s nothing wrong with the stimulation of a competition is there!). For example when I’m walking around most days I terrorize passers by with spontaneous situationism involving shocking slogans or statements usually with growling, and when I’m at home I terrorize the theosophists and the BBC and channel 4 and the Conservative party in the UK (that’s the funniest) and the Royal Family propagandists (MIA get it lightly I promise), and of course the Labour party and even the Green party for not admitting what is blindingly obvious: we’re fucked, and it’s just about how to best take this system down in time before it destroys the whole Earth – by nuclear bombs or mass starvation or watching the whole world go up in flames all as a result of the historical mistakes of our little island. That should be in their manifesto and we could have a referendum. I know we’d chose the nuclear bomb over starvation or seeing the consequences of our actions so we’ll probably ask Dignitas to send one over via the UN. It won’t be too much of a tragedy anyway seen as we’re one of the most nature depleted countries on Earth and was ranked 2nd least happy nation on the planet after Uzbekistan (what the fucks happening there then??) So if a generous destructifactor like China wanted to raise the vibration of the whole Earth they couldn’t do much better then send a nuclear bomb our way. Luckily I’m evolving from matter into energy and light so when the nuclear bomb hits I won’t feel it and it’ll all be uphill from there. Anyways, do have a nice day and think up a new name for America. Cloud Cookooland could be a working title for now.

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  6. Treatment of the mentally ill is not only in psychiatric hospitals. It exists in most if not all agencies that serve patients. Power and control is the norm and blaming the patient for their response to genuine abuse is normal, after all they are mentally ill!
    I know empathy and genuine care works well, but who checks that this happens. There are really good and empathetic workers all the same. They treat patients as human beings, but thy are in the minority.

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  7. My nephew is avoiding treatment, in part, because of my experiences in treatment as well as the permanent labeling and.stigma associated with it.
    I am a thirty year retired psych RN, with a graduate education in clinical psychology. I am also a vowed “religious in the world”. A psychiatrist recently told me, “you are religiously preoccupied”. All my.friends, priests, family members, as well as a former psychiatrist laughed @ that. (Besides I am 76y/o). One friend called the statement “evil”, another friend said “it sounds like social engineering.” I was not an extremely heavy medication regime. I know that diagnosis was not correct-why I got worse. And even more, I was unable to continue with my creative pursuits.
    Because of a talented “peer councilor”, and removing those offending medicines, I am now living a meaningful, productive life ministering to God’s “little ones.”

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  8. You needed a study to confirm that psychiatric hospitals produce trauma? And you think this is news? Well then that’s just a measure of the whole hopelessness of the enterprise of critical psychiatry then isn’t it, because we don’t need a study to confirm that the sky is blue – we see. Why doesn’t society see and process and acknowledge what it sees?

    Because we’re fucked. There is no hope my friends. Wear it. And then perhaps things might change.

    (Hope is mind is time anyway so it’s always best to not have hope, but in this case intellectually it is totally irrational hence this MIA report is just a waste of time, passion, intelligence and energy. Well worth seeing this eh. Yet all social activity pretty much is a destructive waist of such time, passion, intelligence and energy so don’t think you’re alone. Perhaps you should turn the destruction back on it’s self and destroy the destroyer, the vampire society that has destroyed our once perfect Earth.)

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    • “Why doesn’t society see and process and acknowledge what it sees?”

      Because society misinterprets what it is seeing.

      Which is why searching within oneself is better: “Do You Abandon Yourself To Not Be Abandoned By Others?” Teal Swan

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      • “Why doesn’t society see and process and acknowledge what it sees?” Because society misinterprets what it is seeing.

        Exactly. All interpretation is distortion. So simple. How come the critical psychiatry boffins (or…erm…what do you call them? Not squares: wonky?)

        I don’t think cat’s and dogs interpret and the cat never puts a foot wrong. The dog does but they are truly domesticated by humans so that figures too.

        It’s really interesting how your total grasp of things tends to be perfect. You should write and speak more and then listen to yourself instead of Teal Swan cuz I’m practicing the same thing and it makes everything in the world boring except your own consciousness and then it’s easy to plunge inwards cuz outwards is so shit. The only slight technical issue is that I have seemed to have had to prop myself up with some kind of drug or vice most days in order to keep my eyes open. But if I do accidentally fall asleep perhaps I will wake up in 2100 and everything will be fine again.

        Anyways this is my morning time, 12 pm at night UK. I’ve turned nocturnal all of a sudden, which is not convenient. I’m not an owl. Hoot hoot

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        • Thank you, No-one. You are very kind. I really like your innovative way of seeing things.

          People need to realize that psychiatry is not what it claims to be, that it misinterprets emotions, emotions that need to be dealt with humanely in ways that makes sense to the person experiencing them.

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    • Malcontent is created to megaplex prisons. This dangerous game could produce a revolt that never ends, like Gaza.

      Godly fakes clutching books of worship run the poop and the fans. Their razor’s edge could cut them. But it won’t, they have AI management now.

      There’s no hope but in suicide for anyone aware. Those oblivious are going to Disneyland.

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      • You know Mark, although your comment was rather chilling it does have poetic truth for sure. I hope a passport might be an alternative to suicide but you know, if I were to have to accept a socially conditioned fate either in America or in the UK unless it had plenty of intoxicating piggy treats I’d want to commit suicide too, but probably stuffing my face with piggy treats while the whole Earth burns and starves would make me want to commit suicide anyway so I’d commit suicide on piggy treats, which would for me be nice intoxicating substances and probably jovial inside out time with so many pink and blue letterboxes. I will post my letter to New York: I will post my letter to London, Singapore. And then I will explode in letters all over the world.

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        • Life’s story is an indictment of the system. Publication of “How To Commit Many Felonies And Get Away With It” an American feudal family story, will mostly educate those who should never have that information.

          My letter writing campaign went only to the blind local, state and federal employees. None of the communal communists with open marriages running everything give a poop. Cigars, wife swapping and cocaine stylishly nurture something amazing, freedom fiefdom.

          The majority is a crackhead with more in common with crackheadery than with common sense. In the soup of backwards philosophies, there is this: Scientific proof is that prayer can actually work. Rather than suicide, pray for the volcano, the meteor and the long life of earth without its parasitic sell out first program.

          8.2 billion in human equity will be traded for many more life forms and the kind of intrigue any sane God would want. God has an addiction problem; humanity.

          Full of a sense of self I never had, becoming an attorney made me deluded to believe in the system. I was even more insane to believe I could make addicts quit for me.

          God made mistakes with us, for us. We got the power to be lazy and immediately made that a symbol of our success. Drugs have swept over the planet because of lazy wealth. If we had used that energy to worship and respect the earth .. instead earth has been our adversary, with everyone.

          We created false philosophies built on pedophilia and generally f’ing off. Slave owner coffee table books were distributed by promoters of “class and virtue.” At the same time, we suck.

          God works in geologic time. The time has finally come. God will cure itself of addiction and an over-confidence in us. There is nothing a mob of people can do other than Rat Utopia, 1953.

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  9. Arnold Lockshin’s book Silent Terror is an extremely important read. Psychiatry is essentially a state terror apparatus masquerading as a healthcare industry to generate massive amounts of information on private citizens — they have us informing on each other, just like in the so-called USSR.

    lennonist mind games and bluebird songs

    may allah guide us all to jannah yesterday amen, peace

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  10. Wow! I am the mother of a 26 yr old who has been struggling with SMI for the last 9 years. Every time I bring her home, as that is the “only place” she says she can get better, she becomes verbally & physically abusive, the police are called due to either her calling them to make a complaint (no grounds–dead body in the garbage), and destruction of my property.

    So…what in the world am I & hundreds of other family members to do? If they can’t behave, don’t want treatment, don’t want to get better, unable to see they need help, you come up with a safer, better plan.

    The psychiatric hospitals USED to be like an all inclusive stay…they had 24/7 supervision, medical staff on site, their own little room, pharmacy, all because they could not live at home. At home would obviously be the best place, where do family members turn if that is not possible?? Do you think we want to send our loved ones to a psychiatric hospital? Are we to choose letting them come home, create chaos, assaults, and honestly the fear of being killed. Which happened to my neighbors in November, their unmedicated SMI son bludgeoned them to death. Just what are we to do?

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    • Are you or the people around her or the circumstances in her life any reason for her to respond in an abusive manner? “She’s SMI, so she’s abusive” is not really an explanation. People can respond abusively to abusive behaviour (but sometimes it’s not the fault of the people around). That’s self-preservation and retaliation. I’m not blaming you by default. I’m wondering if there’s more to the story.

      What is causing her to be abusive? Are you saying or doing anything to her that is aggravating her? Or are you perfectly in the clear and it’s only her fault?

      I’m not interested in psychiatric terminology like “she’s bipolar, schizophrenic, borderline” etc.

      All I’m asking is, is the behaviour of anyone around her or any of the circumstances in her life a cause for her to respond in an abusive manner or do you think there is something inherently wrong with her with no fault of anyone around? Did anything painful happen to her growing up? Could she write here describing her own issues?

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      • Another part about violence. Violence isn’t inherently bad. A psychiatry degree holder when he forcibly injects haldol into a person (which may be perceived as morally right depending on the observer) is being violent. A police officer when he restrains a shop lifter who refuses arrest can be violent. Some of these encounters also result in death.

        Similarly, a person can respond violently in self-defense to maltreatment. It is made worse when the maltreated person has psychiatric categorisations on his medical file. The only thing is that the maltreated person here does not have the credentials of neither the psychiatry degree holder nor the police officer.

        And no, not all violent people engage in violence because they’re maltreated. A person can be delusional or paranoid. People kill for religious reasons (like offending their holy book). Of course we need to protect ourselves from this and I’ll support the reasonable causes (reasonable in my view) of any person who is unwarrantedly subject to violent behaviour. After all, I’d expect that for myself too. I don’t want to end up being the victim of some guy who delusionally thinks I’m an embodiment of Satan and need to be sacrificed for religious reasons.

        Once again, case-by-case basis.

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    • Terrie,
      I completely understand your situation. My 30 year old son is currently in a psychiatric hospital for ongoing psychotic behavior after relapsing back into heavy drug usage. This has been an ongoing issue for 7 years with a cycle of MENTAL INSTABILITY….JAIL…..REHAB…..HOSPITALIZATION….QUITTING MEDS and then the cycle starts all over. My son does not like taking medication because it keeps him from experiencing “euphoria” from the drugs he is used to. If he were not in the hospital now, he would likely be dead since he was communicating suicidal thoughts.
      At one point in the last episode he had, he was threatening to harm his family as well.
      So I agree this is a controversial issue for how to best treat those who have a serious mental diagnosis. The ones who boldly state that there must be something “wrong” or “toxic” with the loved ones who are advocating for their mentally ill family member have obviously not experienced this personally and can not possibly understand the seriousness of this issue.
      We are currently seeking court assistance in our county that will hold mentally ill people accountable to be compliant with medication and connect them to community resources which help them be successful and lead productive lives. This also helps keeps them out of jail and hospitals in an outpatient setting. It has much success from what I have researched.
      In conclusion I want to say that YES, there are definitely instances where the mentally ill are not treated properly in hospital settings. But that doesn’t mean society can just demand that all mentally ill individuals should be free to roam the streets and do whatever they want “in the name of being in control of their lives”
      I personally know someone whose husband was killed by her mentally ill son. If he had been on medication and connected to a supportive community, her husband would likely still be alive and her son would not be serving a life sentence in jail.

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      • “The ones who boldly state that there must be something “wrong” or “toxic” with the loved ones who are advocating for their mentally ill family member have obviously not experienced this personally and can not possibly understand the seriousness of this issue.” This is called I think a straw man argument. People here simply are STATING what correlates with recovery, and what doesn’t. PERIOD. That a family member is calling for what doesn’t correlate with recovery, doesn’t change such statistics, nor does it excuse the family member by saying they are being blamed as being “toxic” or whatever. It’s simply what has shown to most correlate with recovery, and here again see what hasn’t. PERIOD. full stop.

        “I personally know someone whose husband was killed by her mentally ill son. If he had been on medication and connected to a supportive community, her husband would likely still be alive and her son would not be serving a life sentence in jail.” The real statistics that have been shown during and since the biological model of mental illness shows otherwise. There has only been a dramatic spike in such problems, and yet again, then there is the call for more of what correlates with the spike.

        And it hardly seems the psychiatric medications that mess around with neurotransmitters the same as street drugs, that these are going to be a solution for whatever escape someone believes they are attaining. The seriously might be some deeper emotional issue going on that AGAIN the people who have experience with this, when not promoting the biological method, aren’t given the opportunity to help. In fact the whole understanding of emotional language, behavior and responses could be missing. It’s easy to call someone mentally unstable, but when there’s something going on that hasn’t been given the space to be understood, is there wasn’t “instability” what is preventing the reactions, the responses, the behavior from being understood might still be “stable” in getting in the way…….

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      • “The ones who boldly state that there must be something “wrong” or “toxic” with the loved ones who are advocating for their mentally ill family member have obviously not experienced this personally and can not possibly understand the seriousness of this issue.”

        This comment was written under mine so I’m assuming it’s indirectly a response to what I’ve written. The notion that people can’t understand the seriousness of such issues is not true as a blanket statement. Every case is different even if there are similarities between some kinds of cases.

        It’s perfectly understandable and acceptable where there are both kinds of cases where there are instances when the family members are not involved in any kind of maltreatment that leads their children down unstable lives and cases where it does. They can exist in the same world and end up in the same profession.

        I clearly asked whether there is more to the story, whether she thinks the issue is only inherently with her daughter or whether her daughter could write here as well.

        People here have experienced things like that just like people here have experienced what you write.

        “I personally know someone whose husband was killed by her mentally ill son. If he had been on medication and connected to a supportive community, her husband would likely still be alive and her son would not be serving a life sentence in jail.”

        Similarly, there are people who personally know instances of people who were forcefully committed or pressurised by maltreating family members (maltreating or just self-interested in some way) in order for them to get away with their own agendas and activities. That’s a very serious issue as well and those children live with serious mental trauma, get panic attacks, run away from cities to escape those people, become terrified of psychiatrists, of going to hospitals even to get medical help for physical problems, have very few outlets like MadinAmerica where they can express themselves freely without fear, isolate themselves from everyone out of fear, and it leads them down an even worse path. It’s a very serious issue as well when there are instances when perpetrators escape and victims become stigmatised for life.

        I don’t see why cases presented in articles like The Outing of a Consumer (how her life ended up was very serious) and the kind of cases you have talked about can’t both exist in the world. It’s a world of nearly 8 billion people with many different possibilities.

        Cases like this are serious as well: “Oregon doctor Susan Haney is suing psychiatrist Howard Sampley, alleging that he mistook effects of medication, and pregnancy, for a mental disorder. Haney’s trip to the emergency room for asthma and pain from a burn had resulted in a diagnosis of psychosis, bipolar disorder, mania, potential harm to self and others, and a suspension of her medical practice. The state medical board later reinstated Haney without restrictions; she is suing for for $2.25 million.”

        The habit of psychiatrists who label people as “bipolar” for side effects of SSRIs prescribed originally for a low mood, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms (which people may experience for a plethora or reasons unique to their individual lives) and add to their problems is very serious as well.

        Of course I would not want someone who is delusional and thinks a random person on the street is a spawn of Satan and needs to be attacked to be able to walk around freely. Neither do I want to be around people who become aggressive towards me for issues in their own lives I have nothing to do with nor people who hold crank religious beliefs and expect others to live by them and believe them etc. I’ve come across people like that too. Even I’d protect myself from such people. But neither do I want victims of other people’s terrible behaviour or irrational beliefs/expectations to be unjustly treated as well. We need to assess things on a case-by-case basis.

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      • “Mentally ill people accountable to be compliant with medication”.

        Mentally ill people = people who are behaving in a way which is problematic to the people around them.

        Medication = drugs.

        Those drugs, apart from making them more manageable for you (or even me), also come with effects like shaking hands and legs, incredible hunger which makes people gain obscene amounts of weight, upset stomachs, episodes of mania and psychosis (which lead to more psychiatric categorisations) and many other things. They also come with a lifelong psychiatric file, many stigmatising psychiatric categorisations, potential financial and social exploitation and discrimination, people who can take advantage of them, potentially poor medical treatment for physical issues, all of which can simply make a person worse in a different way in the long run and turn a person into a chronic lifelong revolving door patient and a wreck, which the person who is going to go through also has to take into account for their safety like you have to take your own safety into account. They also have much MUCH lesser power than courts and people with MDs and they have to rely on their mercy and charity for any reprieve.

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      • Dear Terri and LP
        I completely empathise with your pain. In year 12 of the same situation. The MH system is cruel and abusive BUT it is also exhausting,thankless and debilitating caring for someone .. a hollowed out,volatile shell in my case at home. Both truths can be held simultaneously.
        Sending you both waves of compassion from Australia. K xx

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      • Some of the same people who advocate for court mandated treatment etc. are the same sorts who also later ask those people questions like “why do you go to psychiatrists if you don’t like it?” and say things like “don’t like Psychiatry? don’t go to Psychiatrists!” adding to their humiliation. They can’t say “don’t like what we say? Don’t take Psychiatry in med school! Study dentistry instead!”. So, yeah. Many things for them to consider.

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        • Interesting thing: “be compliant with your medication” and today comes out this article about a woman called Lindsay Clancy who commited murder and “blood tests found three antidepressants, an antipsychotic, two sedatives, and an anticonvulsant medication, Sprague said. There were therapeutic levels of the sedatives and the anticonvulsant in Clancy’s system, she said, citing the grand jury testimony of Dr. Margarita Abi Zeid Daou, a psychiatrist hired by prosecutors.”

          She was well-medicated right? What now? Medication did not work on her. Execution perhaps? “Must be well compliant with execution orders”.

          Which brings me back to my point. Case-by-case basis. People commit murder for a plethora of reasons.

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    • Just a few points:
      1) When a system promoting the biological method of psychiatry, saying that chemical imbalances are being treated, while in reality causing chemical imbalance in order to disable health brain activity and suppress what they call symptoms, and then after the interim that symptoms are suppressed causing more symptoms, to call the lack of this “unmedicated” not only misuses the word medication, but also doesn’t point out that no doubt the person was “medicated” or forced on controlled substances to begin with, then given no help to get off of them, possibly just having the “medications” changed as if there was no withdrawal symptom, having ALL effects of this (side effects, withdrawal symptoms, need for more “medication” because either etc.) called a symptom or symptoms of a supposed biological disease that there is no real proof of WHILE the “treatment” HAS been proven to CAUSE biological disease, cause chemical imbalance, is in correlation and collusion with the current spike in the problem prevalent in this society…. that someone can be called unmedicated when they show signs of what the medication has done, and have this effect called a disease, this is then “unmedicated,” and to behave oneself is to ignore all of this, which somehow is supposed to be possible for those being “treated,” there seems to be something else going on…..

      Who isn’t behaving themselves?

      Then in answer to this: “So…what in the world am I & hundreds of other family members to do? If they can’t behave, don’t want treatment, don’t want to get better, unable to see they need help, you come up with a safer, better plan.”

      This remark, I think I can assume, was in reference to the person being treated, not that the family member needed treatment, and wasn’t behaving themselves while demanding and implementing treatment that statistically correlates with more of the problem.

      One might ask how much time was actually spent listening to anything but the fact that “they can’t behave” because the treatment they are forced on doesn’t correlate with recovery, which would then be called behaving if they behaved in a way as if the treatment not correlating with recovery does when it doesn’t, or “don’t want treatment,” again, they are not behaving when they don’t want treatment that doesn’t correlate statistically with recovery, or “don’t want to get better” again, the same getting better is behaving oneself to want and take treatment that statistically hasn’t been shown to lessen the problem, nor scientifically can be proven to do what it is said to do (it causes chemical imbalance rather than treating one) and then: “unable to see they need help” again they are unable to see that what hasn’t helped them, what statistically doesn’t correlate with a lessening of the problem and what scientifically isn’t sound that this is the help they need……. And then: “you come up with a safer, better plan” this site is full of stories of people who have found healing, and recovery, but no: again they aren’t promoting what hasn’t. All of this despite the complete out of balance in investments would one look at what the cost is of what works compared with what doesn’t, or the amount of coercion (possibly violent) necessary, or the amount of alarmist behavior, or the amount of lies perpetrated, as in we know we are causing a chemical imbalance but way we are treating one etc…….

      The one “non reality based” example actually depicts this: “the police are called due to either her calling them to make a complaint (no grounds–dead body in the garbage)” throwing out any reference to a method not mainstream that correlates with more recovery, but correlates with the spike in the problem along with the loss of life, this is like throwing out a dead body in the garbage. What works is discarded, denied, disqualified, thrown out with the garbage, and the loss of life because of this end up with the garbage…..

      All the cherry picking of showing the minority of examples where it seems to work, or is made out to be what would, this doesn’t change the basic science nor statistics, nor does it excuse the consequent lives lost for these few “cherries.”…..

      It also really becomes something when people who have shown to not be able to solve the problem become policing authorities in what will solve the problem……

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  11. I lived with death threats for my entire life. My parents lied to destroy my reputation/credibility after they committed felonies of abuse against me. Lying to have me institutionalized gave them Manchausen style attention. Shining light on it after they died made officers laugh at me. State and federal authorities will do nothing to their co-conspirators.

    People in the system are less than nothing with medical providers smiling ear to ear over their profits. Corruption is the feudal soup of America.

    My parents loved Hollywood style. The reason America is more backward than anywhere else is because of Hollywood mafia.

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    • I think you should go into the business of writing funeral services because you’d frighten away all those pesky mourners with your morbid and funerial truths. Thanks you for switching my lights out before bed time Mar – it’s what I needed. Now I don’t have to hide my teeth and can go see if I can catch something with a pulse on a broomstick before it flies away.

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  12. The BIG LIE is that once they brain damage you, they need to continue the onslaught even if it shuts down your bowels and increases akathesia so that you’re always restless and walking back and forth like a psycho, and there’s no reason to because it isn’t improving anything at all! Plus no sleep. I hadn’t slept for several months straight and when I finally did it wasn’t even sleep, it was a light dream like state lasting two hours. These drugs should be illegal! They’re inhumane! Where’s the World Health Organization on this? Not even heroin or cocaine does this. They increase dopamine, not deplete it! Drug addicts are healthy in comparison! Leave them alone! Haldol renders a person unable to move! It’s taking something so delicate as the brain and putting a sledgehammer to it. Oh, the BIG LIE. So you’re incapacitated? We need to make money off you now everyday! Keep you “stabilized,” meaning chronically poisoned. It is corrupt!! If you don’t understand this, YOU are delusional. I know a healthy 89 year old who hears music without any source. So what! He luckily was never reported to psych authorities! They would destroy him! The BIG LIE, telling you what to think, what to believe, just like George Carlin said. They want to beat you over the head with their lies and idiots believe them. I don’t agree with his stance on obedient workers though because I needed to keep working to avoid all this! Easy for him to criticize. Same for Joe Rogan. I read the book the Joy of Not Working and took too much time off. What a mistake!! Author Ernie Zelinski, you’re just wrong!

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  13. the article, since it is academic and scholarly, needs to be as long as it is to qualify as academic and scholarly.

    but i think solutions to mental health issues need to be more succinct and easy for the layperson to follow.

    honestly, if you are mentioning prisons and prisoners in this article, based on my own observations first hand, this information and articles like this will simply be unavailable to members of said group.

    furthermore, reforming individuals who are viewed as aberrant requires industrious training… people need hands on skills to convert them to becoming gentle.

    they need to gain, learn, and know what it means to have understanding and compassion.

    too much of this cycle of rehospitalization/respiralization leads people nowhere but to the coffin.

    if we want people to become productive members of society, let us teach them the positive outcomes of doing homework, not doing medication.

    i can teach people how to make origami fidget spinners and how to design and illustrate fonts for starters.

    a life long goal i have is to teach people of all ages how to make toilet paper, once i learn how to source materials from the forest and mulch/pulp them into wet paper.

    i also think allowing patients tools to create content in psych and prison institutions on tablet platforms (i.e. access to Autodesk Sketchbook and YouTube Studio “for Reforming Individuals” — this hasnt been built yet) would establish trust in the patients and prisoners. they would realize that they are learning valuable skills that can help them survive rather than being forced to recommit criminal or aberrant behavioral acts upon re-entry to society. it takes time, but far less time than to keep people institutionalized in hospitals or jails perpetually.

    lets advance the institutions of learning and rewarding talents, not the institutions of punishment that have no light at the end of the tunnel.


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