From Scientific American: According to Cornell University psychologist Robert Sternberg, the U.S. education system is entirely focused on developing and rewarding students’ analytic intelligence – the type of intelligence reflected in IQ scores and standardized test scores – at the expense of teaching other types of intelligence such as real-life problem solving, ethics, and creativity. Because of this, our society is producing scientists and researchers who are good forward incrementers, but not redirectors or reinitiators who are capable of creating innovation in their field.
If innovation is the issue, there are a lot of fools in this society. Keep polishing that apple, kid. The one you give to your teacher. I hear it can take you places.
1912 Eighth Grade Examination for Bullitt County Schools
Are we raising the stupidest generation in American history? The statistics that you are about to read below are incredibly shocking. They indicate that U.S. high school students are basically as dumb as a rock. As you read the rest of this article, you will be absolutely amazed at the things that U.S. high school students do not know.
Instead of producing the leaders of tomorrow, our education system is producing a bunch of sheep that are trained to take orders and that are pretty good at taking multiple choice tests.
Its all by design, the ruling class wants the serfs as dumb as possible.