U.S. Life Expectancy Drops Amid ‘Disturbing’ Rise in Overdoses, Suicides


From NPR: “For the second time in three years, life expectancy in the U.S. has ticked downward. In three reports issued Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention laid out a series of statistics that revealed some troubling trend lines — including rapidly increasing rates of death from drug overdoses and suicide. […]

[…] younger adults have largely been hit hardest by these trends.

‘We’re seeing the drop in life expectancy not because we’re hitting a cap [for lifespans of] people in their 80s. We’re seeing a drop in life expectancy because people are dying in their 20s [and] 30s,’ McHugh said. […]

[…] in general, says William Dietz of George Washington University,the main themes of the reports are ‘very disturbing’ — partly because deaths from overdoses and suicides are likely linked. Both may be caused by social shifts in the U.S. that have caused people to become ‘less connected to each other in communities,’  he tells Harris.

‘There are some data to suggest that that’s led to a sense of hopelessness, which in turn could lead to an increase in rates of suicide and certainly addictive behaviors.'”

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  1. “overdoses and suicides are likely linked. Both may be caused by social shifts in the U.S. that have caused people to become less connected to each other in communities”

    Its the rise of the big brother police state control grid, “land of the free” nation that jails more of its people then any other in the history of mankind.

    “The only thing that matters to the American police state is that you comply, submit, respect authority and generally obey without question whatever a government official (anyone who wears a government uniform, be it a police officer, social worker, petty bureaucrat or zoning official) tells you to do. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-18/run-your-life-american-police-state-coming-get-you

    “There are some data to suggest that that’s led to a sense of hopelessness, which in turn could lead to an increase in rates of suicide and certainly addictive behaviors.”

    Its designed to destroy you. Suspending Driver’s Licenses for Drug Offenses and falling behind on child support… Of course, if you still have a job they want to destroy that too by doing the driver licence thing. They hope you keep driving to work trying to pay the snowballing fines and fees so they can catch you again. Its like they want to make people so screwed up they just OD or suicide.

    There’s little doubt among researchers that mass incarceration is wreaking havoc on our society https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/almost-addicted/201802/how-mass-incarceration-harms-us-health-in-5-charts

    “Men and women who have had contact with the criminal justice system—even if they have never received a jail or prison sentence or a guilty verdict—appear to have a significantly higher rate of suicide than the general population, according to a report posted online in Archives of General Psychiatry.

    Most published research on suicide and the criminal justice system focuses on prisoners during their incarceration or soon after release, according to the article. Few studies have investigated the risk of suicide among offenders who are not imprisoned. “Some have suggested that community offenders could be even more vulnerable than prisoners,” the authors wrote.

    Suicide was most strongly associated with sentencing to psychiatric treatment https://www.socialworktoday.com/news/dn_022511.shtml

    Meanwhile on state run fake news everywhere “Why is this happening, why all the ODs suicide and death?”

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  2. So of course they included the blurb with the suicide hotline for CYA purposes, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that the article did not suggest that more “mental health” crap was the answer to preventing these deaths.
    Of course, I did not read the CDC reports; it’s probably in there.

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  3. Yes, of course, the mass psychiatric drugging of our children could have absolutely nothing to do with the increase in overdoses and suicides by our young adults – except possibly in the case of the opium drugs, that have been fraudulently handed out as a “safe … meds” for decades.

    These increases in overdoses and suicides couldn’t have anything to do with the fact the ADHD drugs and antidepressants cause addiction, suicides, mania, psychosis, and violence. Right? Or that millions of American children have had the adverse effects of these drug classes misdiagnosed as “bipolar,” resulting in millions of children being put on the antipsychotics. Which create both the negative and positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome and antipsychotic induced anticholinergic toxidrome.

    Nah, these overdoses and suicides must “be caused by social shifts in the U.S. that have caused people to become ‘less connected to each other in communities.'” Yeh, right.

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  4. Life Expectancy among the Young and the Old in My own family.

    My mother came from a family of six; three with children; and two without. Four of my mother’s nephews (on ‘antidepressants’ in the 1980s) killed themselves.

    My mothers family on average lived to their mid eighties; with my mothers parents living (on average) to eighty.

    There were no deaths in my father’s family among his nieces or nephews.

    Some of my father’s family died young, some in middle age and some at beyond ninety. My father’s parents (on average) lived to their mid eighties.

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