The Disturbing Rise in Benzodiazepine Prescriptions


From Psychology Today: “The U.S. National Center for Health Studies released a report this week on benzodiazepine use that points to prescribing rates soaring to ‘disturbing’ new levels. Based on data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey for 2014-16, the report… determined that benzodiazepines were prescribed in 66 million doctors’ appointments annually. Put differently, for every 100 adults nationwide who saw a doctor in one of those years, 27 left with a prescription for the psychiatric drug.

The results were ‘discouraging and disappointing,’ Lois Platt of Rush University, Chicago, told New Scientist, among several prominent media outlets reporting on the study. ‘The statistics we have are disturbing, and everyone should be concerned about bringing them down’ …

With roughly ’30 percent of what is labeled opioid overdose actually opioid-benzodiazepine overdose,’ according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse Statistics, the report bolsters concern that benzodiazepines may be a ‘hidden element’ in the U.S. and UK overdose epidemic.”

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  1. There are those who think people ask for these drugs, or present it in that way.
    My experience from as early as 1970 is, that they offer them freely.
    They also offer them to be increased and then a shrink can say that the person abuses drugs.

    I was told to take 4 mg per day divided, just 2 years ago to cope with my ‘sensations’ from my
    I refused and was called non-compliant.
    If I had accepted, I would be told that the side effects are bogus, and on the other hand if I said I was anxious, due to the drug, they would increase them.
    Then of course you get the general public blaming drug use on people, when they were never at the docs appt with you and have no clue of the doc/patient dialogue and no clue just how the prescription happens.

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  2. “Based on data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey for 2014-16, the report… determined that benzodiazepines were prescribed in 66 million doctors’ appointments annually. Put differently, for every 100 adults nationwide who saw a doctor in one of those years, 27 left with a prescription for the psychiatric drug.”

    Almost 1/3 of people who saw a doctor were prescribed a benzo? That stat alone is evidence that the propaganda that we should “trust your doctor” needs to be disregarded.

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  3. Doctors are finding all sorts of uses for these stupefying/intoxicating drugs.

    And of course as the type of uses rises, the prescribing of them rises.

    I’d like someone to do a comparison of the reasons this guy went to prison, and my situation

    Kearsley puts 1 tab into a bottle of wine and shares it with registrar. I got ‘spiked’ with 2 tabs for myself.

    Kearsley is a doctor and has the ability to prescribe these drugs, the person who ‘spiked’ me is a bus driver and the Community Nurse who conspired to conceal has no prescribing rights and is more than a danger to our community.

    Zero documentation regarding the act in Kearsleys case, and a post event ‘confession’ (of sorts). All admissible evidence.

    I have documented admission of the act, and the telephone call recording existed of that admission. A public officer engaged in a conspiracy to conceal the evidence of the crime, and attempt to pervert the course of justice. There is a witness who was told before the event that it was going to be done also. And police were present and ‘observed’ my drunken type behaviour. All “insufficient admissible evidence” I am told by police. Not even a written and open confession from the ‘spiker’ is enough.

    So how does this work? Because their is absolutely no consistency with the law here. I was spiked to enable a conspiracy to kidnap, Kearsley to enable his sexual assault and yet …… How powerful these people are when they can pervert the course of justice over their own criminal acts.

    Insufficent evidence is a lie, and a lie told to deliberately gaslight and terrorise the community into the belief that police have carte blanche with regards who gets charged and who doesn’t. It assists greatly in the spread of their corruption. And, as we now know from the Royal Commission was one of the reasons that priests got away with raping children for 40 years while police turned a blind eye, in fact in some cases returning the children to the rapists. And if nothing changes, nothing changes.

    So careful who you trust with your children because police have not changed their conduct as a result of the Royal Commission. In fact they are still prepared to conceal criimes for a select group of people who can provide them with criminal services which can be overlooked by exercising discretionary powers they do not have. All that ‘intelligence’ they received from the “confessional” for throwing a few kids under the bus eh? I’m sure the same is true regarding this enterprise they are running with mental health services, torture, maiming and killing disguised as ‘medicine’. Many folk not realising that the right to confidentiality has been overturned in Australian law. See ACC v Stodartt HCA 47. Your doctor, lawyer or priest now turned into snitches for the State, via the ability to ‘coerce’ them to breach confidentiality. Noice.Nicola Gobbo

    There have been nite club rapists convicted on less evidence, and let me say that there is no doubt this ‘spiking’ was done with evil intent.

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