Singer Camila Cabello & CA Surgeon General Discuss ‘Public Health Crisis’ of Childhood Trauma


From Billboard: “Cabello took toĀ Instagram on Friday (June 11) to tell fans about the conversation and how she originally found Dr. Burke Harris’ work.Ā ‘A while back, I stumbled across an incredible TED Talk from the California Surgeon General,Ā @nadineburkeharris, and it truly changed the way I thought about mental health and healing,’ Cabello wrote on Instagram. ‘Iā€™m so excited for you all to listen to our conversation and learn about her groundbreaking work on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), how they affect us, and how we can begin to heal.’

. . . ‘Trauma is a public health crisis,’ Cabello says to Dr. Burke Harris after hearing about the increased probability of heart disease, diabetes, asthma and stroke, as well as a greater chance of depression, anxiety, and suicide, among those with childhood trauma. ‘We live in a society where we punish the wounded instead of treating them.’

The ‘Senorita’ singer opened up about her own journey to discovery when it comes to early trauma, recognizing that the overwhelming anxiety she felt in her late teens and early 20s was rooted in her childhood experiences. ‘Enough beating myself up,’ she realized. ‘I’m obviously not choosing this. But this means that whether it’s medication or therapy or yoga or meditation or whatever, I need to get proper treatment.'”

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  1. And to get to the spiritual side of this, after this addiction (“sorry” I meant addition) to the whole Melange of “iconic” help that’s making things worse…..

    I had found a 20 dollar bill, in a certain place, deciding to give this to a homeless person.

    Well, in that same place, still having the bill waiting, I ran into something impossible, a healer friend of mine having decided to stop giving “psychic” readings, because it made her sick, was killing her, and being at the top of her field, actually liberated from the highest to sort out what REALLY makes a difference, which takes real investigation. I won’t mention which entity showed up, to give me the biggest smile that finally, after the achieved impact while “earthly” and even literary inspirations could finally do something with his investigative abilities that went to the root of things…… But it was a resurrection, which is normal and natural, despite people’s idea that such miracles are crazy….

    And then a day or a few later, getting off of the bus escorting me around there, if not on my bike, or I can put the bike on a bus rack, I was met by a person. I stepped off of the bus, and he said to me: “I’m less than you….”

    Being quite perturbed why anyone would say to me such a thing, not feeling that at all, and what he meant by such an estimation of value… I repeated what he said in a questioning manner asking for some explanation: “You’re less than me?”
    I also said that I don’t talk like that to people, and asked him why he was mad at me, and he said something about how the government treated him, and that that was discriminatory…..

    “That’s discrimination,” he said….

    Then he rode his bike away so fast that I couldn’t respond, or even offer him the 20 dollars, and I could have bought him a whole bag of food, also, suddenly having extra government assistance for that the past few months…..

    But there you have it. If just a fraction of the billions and billions of dollars that go into this act that drugging up the homeless population would make them part of a “working” society, or simply trying a different approach in general, or instead of putting money into fixing vulnerable people up with medications that if they help any, only help a minority, while creating a whole epidemic of the problem as excuse for more of what doesn’t work….. WHAT if that money went to help people to simply be able to live in any kind of comfort!?

    You know TRUE comfort, not an intoxicated state based on image, controlled substances to keep one in fantasy mode and mesmerized but such indulgence that are used as programming to keep people desirous of it, but true true comfort?

    Not I’m a celebrity and I am a hero promoting once again a packet including what’s shown to keep the problem going….

    Not I’m a politician and….

    We don’t even know what to say about that…..


    So I simply leave a link to it

    But true simple human comfort.

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  2. Thanks for the Article,

    I was talking to a chap last week who very coherently shared much the same as what this Article has represented! Substance was his solution, and he could only stop taking it when he found the source of his problem. He was very happy to discover that he had to adapt, and he professed at the age of almost 60 he was really happy in life! His message was one of joy!

    (The World is still often geared up towards exploitation and lots of people suffer from one form or another of PTSD – but this chap also seemed to know how to negotiate his way through this).

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  3. I donā€™t think that Camila Cabella knows how much taking on this whole helper image for those struggling with mental illness, and then including ā€œmedicationsā€ as normal procedures, when in reality they are scientifically and statistically more of a cause. Since their advent thereā€™s a spike in mental illness, and the medications themselves have been proven scientifically to cause chemical imbalance, while the diagnosed diseases havenā€™t.

    I myself never have been on psychiatric drugs, not forced on them, and never convinced that they would help. But I have had a problem that came from ā€œnormalā€ stuff I had taken on the habit of believing I wanted or needed. Just drinking too much coffee, or before that smoking could, after being ā€œdiagnosedā€ cause me to have symptoms that could be labeled as psychiatric symptoms needing ā€œmedications,ā€ and I reel wondering how someone who had been made to believe that the drugs that they have been induced into thinking will help them are actually causing the problems they rack their brain out trying to find another cause for, and also to control in a way that in many or most ways could be more the cause than a cure. Coffee or cigarettes arenā€™t doled out as medicines, one can discover whatā€™s going on without the idea one is going against healing protocol. How anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications and ADHD medications lead towards problems in the long run, added on diagnosis that are made out to be diseases rather than side effects, it makes me reel to wonder how so many people could EVER become aware of what is going on, were they EVER used to the ā€œmedicationsā€ thinking they needed them, and that it was ā€œnormal.ā€

    Coffee increases dopamine, and serotonin as well as interfering with gabba (the neurotransmitter that helps one feel tired); and so the adrenaline is affected as well. I had gotten in the habit of drinking coffee while in The Netherlands, where thatā€™s a normal offering when you visit someone, and then had started smoking as well, which also affects dopamine. I got so used to it, and how the extra dopamine made me feel that I would resort to it just to feel comfortable. My Grandmother in The Netherlands already said that that was the first thing I started ā€œscreamingā€ for when I came over (I didnā€™t really start screaming, it was just a tendency to want something, like a baby does).

    All through higher education which continues in the United States, I would frequent the cafeterias and have a cup of coffee, to such a degree that when I went and ordered one from the worker behind the counter, I could hear one of them repeat what I said, in exactly the same tone, having heard it so often. But then I had real difficulty in my life, real betrayal I couldnā€™t understand from other people, behavior that was highly discriminatory and paranoid towards me when I wasnā€™t exploitable to their social confines along with other shocking signs that what my nature is as an artist is more turned into a commodity, an entertainment, a stimulant than itā€™s what itā€™s meant to be as an expression of the soul of all things and healing. I ended up drinking coffee the whole night (and smoking) sitting on my parents porch, then sleeping during the day instead, and really was just disturbed, needed someone to simply listen, just that, and that didnā€™t happen. Instead it was entertained that I could be seen as being ā€œcrazyā€ and my parents with a friend that was a psychiatrist got me on disability. The disability did give me the freedom to explore art for what itā€™s meant to be, rather than a commodity, an exploit, but I never understood what was going on the way I was supposed to, and from just being disturbed I started having what could be labeled as psychotic episodes, although even the supposed non-reality based thinking or reality that went on was expressive of and symbolized real emotional issues (trauma, concepts I needed to work out that I hadnā€™t been allowed to entertain or that werenā€™t given room to integrate let alone express themselves). And so I even became aware I had thinking that would be considered ā€œnon-reality-based,ā€ although I knew the supposed ā€œmedicalā€ cure for it would never work; I didnā€™t have the where withal to know how much coffee or cigarettes were in cohorts with the phenomenon. I couldnā€™t interpret the supposed ā€œnon-reality-basedā€ scenarios to understand why they took the form they did, not having that kind of emotional support or therapy that would help to blossom such interpretive abilities, and in the end it took years and years. It took YEARS. First going into these episodes, not understanding it, but at least having a place where emotions could express themselves, although not understood at another level where it was called ā€œschizo-effective,ā€ and then dealing with the shock of everything from the push to get anyone with such problems ā€œhelpā€ that in reality was more causing the problems, had no scientific basis in reality ā€“ in fact one could say my psychosis did have more scientific basis because it expressed emotions one needed to get to know in order to grow in life, and could determine my whole future, regarding mental health ā€“ and the whole societal phobia around it, and paranoia, and malicious mocking like one finds in the school yard with bullying. And the ā€œheroicā€ fixation all around me to make out that forcing me on treatment I knew would ruin my life was critically necessary, as I watched friend after friend I encountered in the mental health system fall prey to such horrors. And I couldnā€™t figure out what was going on with, ended up without knowing why going into these periods, these episodes, where my thinking was off to a degree I wanted to understand it, didnā€™t have the insight or knowledge, beyond my desire to understand something I knew wasnā€™t violent at all, and didnā€™t really interfere with my life as it was made out to, when the interference was WAY MORE on the side of the discriminatory reaction to it. And there ends up being this incredibly vast array or paranoid, gossip and malicious bullying against anyone in such a vulnerable state. I just wanted to understand it, wanted there to be room for me or anyone going through it to express it for what it was, rather than making it out to be a danger it never was, and there were also spiritual and artistic things that could come through, thanks to the disinhibition from being ā€œnormal,ā€ from following statistical based norms or consensual reality deportment, as if reality is something people could vote on, and make out that their system was maintaining it without looking further into what they were doing, and the results.

    I did start understanding the other side of it, how my ā€œnonreality based thinkingā€ expressed emotional trauma I needed to let go of by allowing it to be exposed and its reflexes out in the open I could let go of them, and I had discovered that coffee caused problems (hadnā€™t smoked for YEARS) and had actually stopped drinking it for almost a year, but I was was taking coffee enemas, which really is kind of daft, but I thought it was a healing method. I know it stimulates the liver, from the capillaries in the lower intestines, and could feel that from the beginning, but again I got quite addicted to them. Way over did it. And had some naive idea that the enemas didnā€™t produce the caffeine effect that causes the increase in the neurotransmitters, because I didnā€™t feel it like I did with drinking coffee. And so last Christmas, when I had worked hard on a very simple recording, I felt I needed something to calm me down, or make me feel soothed, and did a second coffee enema, and within a few days keeping such habits up was again in an ā€œepisodeā€ that lasted two months. I wouldnā€™t have figured out the connection until I was told, thanks to covid and wanting to know whether I had antibodies whose test for requires doctors approval, I was told that I had high blood pressure. I never had high pressure, but then started looking into where it could come from, got a blood pressure machine, and after a coffee enema found my blood pressure shot way up, and then figured out I needed to stop, and slowly the realization of everything caffeine had been doing to me for years, and years (since my twenties, Iā€™m now almost 62) that started creeping in. I also learned wonderful breathing exercises, really simply in taking air in fully and then breathing out longer than breathing in to allow the parasympathetic system the space to relax and heal the body; which helped also to let go of the reflexes the excess adrenaline had caused me to take one, from years of coffee drinking. And in a way itā€™s not such a big thing, thatā€™s quite normal for someone who doesnā€™t have emotional support to start leaning towards such indulgences, and in a normal world, and I mean normal in natural world, not that thatā€™s the ā€œnorm,ā€ statistically in this society, but in a normal world people would notice that, and there would be an outlet, and concern and a person would be helped.

    But these celebrities in these times, in many ways, are more paramours for addictions. Selling commodities, getting points to be in the media from corporate powers when they support such venues, and thus the whole array of supporters of everything from who knows what to mental health, and the drug companies propaganda included.

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  4. Thank You Nijinsky

    The chap I mentioned came off substance without medications, and has remained consistently well and operational.

    When you mention medication through the “back door” I see what you mean. There seems to be a big drive in society to Diagnose and Medicate the population with trendy people being used to represent “Positive Mental Illness”.

    In the Normal way people can be represented through the “Legal System” but in “Mental Health” they can be represented through “Doctors Opinion” (which in “Mental Health” can be anything).

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  5. Case in point is how Camila Cabello gets as much media attention, as long as sheā€™s pushing the mainstream push with the numbers test: ā€œAlso it took me literally four minutes, itā€™s like so easy,” and you can get put in line to get mind altering drugs that are highly addictive and their implementation goes right along with the current phenomenon of an extreme spike in the occurrences of mental illnesses. Join the crowd, be part of the mob. This from celebrities who need the mob. The very fact the psychiatric drugs are highly addictive increases stress responses, unless you think being made addicted to something that causes difficulty in getting off of doesn’t cause stress. Or Bruce Springteen gets as much media representation about his struggles with depression, and how he took antidepressants (or Lady Gaga, or Demi Lovato, or the sister of Glenn Close, or anyone-playing-the-media-game). Celebrity has become a drug, propped up by the image factory, Hollywood mansions, beauty treatments and the rest; but the horrors of the Columbine shootings arenā€™t really represented at all, in how antidepressants were involved. Iā€™m sure that certainly the majority of PR firms, would someone even know the truth, they would discourage their expressing it.

    Regarding Columbine, the ring leader of the two boys that were the shooters was on Luvox, an antidepressant. And he actually knew how it would make him act, there was a case against the drug company regarding that but that was bought out by the drug company. I have to add that I again have anecdotal knowledge regarding this. Regardless of this being anectodal there was a case against the drug companies that was bought up by them, and there are the warning labels on anti-depressants that the drug companies tried to prevent from being there. I was on the bus one day, and I heard someone make a sarcastic remark about anti-depressants (his doctor suggested them, and it was clear the man didnā€™t agree with that), and so I chimed in with what and so many other people on this blog, know about them. This man on the bus then proceeded to tell me that he used to have a foster care facility close to Columbine, and both the boys in the shooting used to go to play pool there, and would tell their story, or at least part of it. They said that they had been bullied by jocks at the school, and it was so severe that they had gone to the principle, the principle had told them to go to the sheriff, and the sheriff told them to go to the principle; clearly nothing was done. And the ring leader of the two had told the man I spoke to that he had had his ā€œmedicationsā€ changed, and was on Luvox. And that he had hateful thoughts towards everyone. I donā€™t remember exactly what the man stated as to what everyone referred to, but it contained his family, his friends, his girlfriend and then maybe more. He had told the doctor, and the doctor had told him to just keep taking the medications. That was a few weeks before the shootings. During the time that I heard this story, Mindfreedom was asking for people to talk to Michael Moore, because he was making his documentary about such things, and so I mentioned that to this man, to do that, but havenā€™t seen him since, nor do I know whether I would recognize him. NONE of any of this has been reported in corporate media. Instead one of the boyā€™s motherā€™s has been on Ted-talks promoting mainstream treatment and drugging; and one can still read in the media regular accounts of inexplicable acts of violence with one sentence added: ā€œhe or she was being treated for depression,ā€ and then more mass shootings being the call for more mainstream treatment thatā€™s not only in collusion with the spike in the occurrence of mental illnesses but in collusion with the spike in mass shootings. And yet the information is withheld regarding whether or not psychiatric drugs were involved. Even whether antidepressants were involved, despite they have such a warning lable.

    There was one person who tried to expose all of this: Mark Taylor, who was shot during the Columbine shootings. You can read his sad story here, and how itā€™s been shot down, once againā€¦.

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  6. Thank you to both these ladies for pointing out the connection between ACEs and the “mental illness” DSM stigmatizations. Especially since today, “the prevalence of childhood trauma exposure within borderline personality disorder patients has been evidenced to be as high as 92% (Yen et al., 2002). Within individuals diagnosed with psychotic or affective disorders, it reaches 82% (Larsson et al., 2012).”

    And the psychologists are equally as guilty in systemically covering up child abuse and rape, as the psychiatrists, and likely have been doing such for over a century.

    And all this systemic “mental health” industry child abuse covering up is by DSM design.

    I do so hope the child abuse, and easily recognized malpractice covering up crimes, of the members of the scientific fraud based “mental health” industries, will be exposed and ended, at some point. Since, for God’s sake, they’re killing “8 million” innocent people every year, with their neurotoxic drugs and “invalid” disorders, according to the former head of the NIMH.

    Not to mention – all the paternalistic psychological, psychiatric, and religious industries’, systemic child abuse covering up crimes – which, of course, function to aid, abet, and empower the child abusers, sex traffickers, and other pedophiles. Thus these systemic “mental health,” and their religious “partners,” industries’ crimes have left us all living in a “pedophile empire.”

    Definitely a change is needed.

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  7. I did a “search” today.
    Camila Cabello and OCD…..
    Seems like “every” magazine from “People” if I even remember that correctly, to who knows what has a story about Camila and OCD, and then the alleged brain disease stuff.

    You have to bruise yourself quite a few times, say on your arm, before that becomes an arm disease. Your arm telling you it hurts ALSO isn’t a disease. And then there’s the talk about meditation or mindfulness, but that STILL isn’t addressing a disease when they gets the “symptoms” to stop, as little as then when you stop doing what bruises your arms, your arms have healed of this “disease” you had when you wouldn’t stop getting them bruised.

    It is SO silly to me. Call it OCD, and get all of this attention, make yourself out to be this big icon for bettering the world, get paid tons of money in the meantime for being such……

    But don’t see that actually calling it a “Brain Disease,” and go on this blitz about it, that you endanger the lives of a whole array of vulnerable people, that are going to believe this exaggeration, think they need the “medications,” or even worse that too many regardless of whether they even want to be treated but being forced on it by others lose their voice, because it’s a “disease” and you’re a “hero” to not see that…..

    Oh you have OCD too, me too, we’re in this together, go get drugged up possibly, it might be part of it, maybe addicted for life, but I get points for initiating this “help”….

    Not that mindfulness and meditation aren’t amazing, but…..

    To advertise them in such a way actually takes away from the diseases they could heal, real diseases where someone finds a solution rather than getting trapped in a pharmaceuticly promoted maze….

    Yes mindfulness heals distress, anxiety, etc. but those aren’t diseases; as little as that your arm expressing pain when you overuse it is a disease. Listening to what that’s telling one is how one PREVENTS disease, psychiatric drugs actually CAUSE brain diseases, they don’t heal them. They don’t scientifically heal chemical imbalances, they cause them. And statistically have caused a spike in mental illnesses, an epidemic.

    Advertising meditation and mindfulness in SUCH a setting is like not pointing out that when you eat cherries dowsed with sugar or high fructose corn syrup, or baked till they have no enzymes inside of highly processed grains, that this hasn’t taken the healthiness out of the cherries that were meant to be there, or neglecting to see that you put them in a recipe that is unhealthy, and still make out it is “just cherries.”

    NO it’s not…

    What kind of “ambition” does it take to not get involved in such deception!?

    Camila and Shawn Mendes actually ARE the most wonderful people, Shawn’s songs are maybe the first songs in a long time, I enjoyed hearing when a car came by with their stereo on so loud I could hear it outside. Didn’t want to hurl a missile at the noise anymore to get it to stop. And Camila is honest beyond words, but even THEY end up being corrupted by this media blitz of the “mental illness” business…..

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    • I’ve since had to ask to have my first remark taken off of this website, because of the kind of GRIP these people have on the media, and just getting involved with the truth one has to demure. Or Justin Bieber promoting anti-depressants, along with others doing movies no gay or schizophrenic would be offered, let alone favored, given Hollywood image games, although showing intimate interest in me, with also the same insensitivity to what they actually end up promoting, with their “privilege”…

      They aren’t the most wonderful people, if they were they’d know better, and have made a succinct statement about the dangers of what Camilla doesn’t think twice about getting others involved with.

      And Shawn wasn’t really honest when I tried to make a statement about miracles, which goes along with the rest of the dishonesty and game theory media games I encountered with such “celebrities,” stuff I’ve had to put on the back burner or get so caught up in it, I would have been destroyed like so many already. And Camilla afterwards says “Jesus is proud of you,” to me, when Jesus was really just trying to get to me to help me (which he has since), and they are in the way, as they are spiritually in anyone’s way who gets caught up with the system, when it isn’t acknowledged what these “medications” really do to the mind, while there’s no articulate care that they are listed along with mindfulness and meditation. Certainly also the diagnosis, or the supposed comfort (then one “knows” what it is!?) when in reality it that takes away the freedom of simply finding out how unique everyone is, rather than a number. Psychiatric drugs CAUSE chemical imbalance, and that’s grounded science, not the media hype that they treat it. If someone HAS had a youth that caused distress, and one’s nerves are on edge because of reflexes, and all of the activity that goes with it in the brain, possibly being chemical, one doesn’t need more of an imbalance regarding being able to respond unhampered with how one feels, when one wasn’t allowed to. Sedating the discomfort, or bypassing it with stimulant isn’t going to help, in reality. As if the brain isn’t spiritual, and doesn’t have the connection with evolution and the source of life to do what needs to be done.

      And it’s an old story, Shawn was Joseph of Arimathea, I “think,” and if he and the rest of the mob exploiting Jesus had really listened, Jesus could have THEN already found escape in art. Jesus played harp, but that had to be sold when there were financial difficulties, and wasn’t allowed to draw landscapes (although because of not being allowed, learned to draw in the sand, which helped to save a prostitute’s life) nor was he allowed to make clay sculptures from the oppression, then already from the Jewish “authorities” when he was a boy. Before he even reached puberty the “authorities” already tried to make out such art wasn’t God. And then his stories, his parables.

      And I’m here to give Jesus a home so he doesn’t have to disassociate from such a VOLUME of aggressive sound, or the media frenzy. And end up seeking refuge with what now is only history… or the excuse people have to make out someone actually grieves for such a loss is crazy, or even disrespectful, as if it couldn’t have been DIFFERENT!

      And it ISN’T going to be repeating itself…..

      And YES, I’m angry. Is it OK that I’m also non-violent by not repressing my feelings for media image!?

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      • And I notice, I actually got so into “Stereotypes” with this marketing stuff….

        I might have mistook someone else for Shawn (that was today, not another time), and it teed me off.

        In trying to explain how his music evoked something involving a vehicle from another dimension, that can heal, that can bypass time that’s otherwise going round in circles repeating itself, that can teleport, because it resembles bleakly enough smoke when you put out a fire, or in my case, what I often saw would happen would someone hurl a missile at one of these cars coming by with loud music to stop that racket,which was not anything violent, just for the smoke (it’s the music often, that’s so loud aggressive and violent, not the mist, the vapor that’s released), which is beyond time’s grasp; and I’ve recently seen that vehicle turning up in a picture, when a portal to Heaven was opening, for someone to blossom into it, like we all will do when we lay our body to rest. And I’ve seen that it can do impossible things, which I won’t mention for sake of when it happens, it still will, whether anyone says you can’t mention it because it’s giving dangerous direction (a miracle is!?)….

        I’m going on about this, all ‘psychotic” enough so that it has enough imaginative lubrication to do what it’s meant to do, and Shawn says to me: “Trust me, I can’t sing….” Now I didn’t know actually that he goes through periods when he can’t sing, nor that that’s what he was telling me. So I was wrong, sorry. Really sorry. And he does integrate the healing energies, instead. So it’s a different kind of singing.

        Just sit relax, smile at a painting, or the view, or anything beautiful, and you can’t chest breath, and then you create the resonance for singing. But that’s more gentle and quiet. And I did mention that.

        But this whole swamp of confusion. Someone animating a tendency that MEDIA games bring out, me thinking that’s Shawn, so I see Shawn really is trying to avoid it, in contrast, although he’s stuck in it, from just trying to be art, itself……

        And so we all could end up there, and many have!

        And he WAS Joseph of Aramathea, perhaps he can’t sing, when he’s reminded of the great friend he lost…….

        But then it also could have been Shawn, maybe he wasn’t himself, I notice, after having to come back here, and you WILL lose someone who is not at home in such calculations of game theory and the media, someone who just wants to be where his nature as healer is allowed, and actually nurtured with interest.

        I do notice that Shawn made a big stink about people going on about whether he’s gay or not, and then even saying something like: “You WISH I was gay,” as if this is about them being wrong, not that gay people are tormented, and he’s free to deny it, because he doesn’t have that much of a challenges with it in life. And then I can’t but refer to has marketing agents telling him not to tell people’s if he’s at all bisexual…..

        I’m just walking around listening to a Mozart opera at an art festival. And opera that was written when he was 12, and I’m still waiting for a decent DVD of it. Although I’m happy there’s CD’s enough. I’m not worried about it, it’s not a bubble that will burst to dissipate, because it’s already shone beyond that.

        This guy that looks like Jesus harp teacher, actually, from Bethlehem is walking my way. Jesus had harp lessons by the way: Some butter manifested out of “nowhere,” and Jesus didn’t have an environment where he could talk about such things with the gentle reflexes that were always his nature, and then found a harp teacher he could trade dairy products with for lessons to honor the little gentle miracle of such manifestation, and he learned how to play harp, people would come just to hear him sing and play. That teacher became Couperin, who fluid music lead the way for Mozart’s natural playfulness…..

        THAT SAID, I’m just wondering who that is that resembles him, but is really too stiff in his gait, and I know it’s not, but still look with my peripheral vision, not interested in anything but comparing the two, similar and fortunately not similar. And the guy says to me: “get,” as he passes me. Which happens to me all the time, because people can’t separate their fear from spiritual energy that transcends it. They act like something is going on that isn’t.

        And then he passes me again, when I’m at the bus stop, could have been with Billie Eilish, who he’s just done something with.

        Media people can be so confusing and insensitive! ESPECIALLY when they think they’re taking on someone’s….

        Someone’s story, someone’s providence….

        And SADLY that’s called a song and dance number, as if that’s what art is about.

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  8. I have to laugh about this now, because I don’t really know at all whether that was Shawn Mendes that bothered me yesterday. I hadn’t slept, am still withdrawing from all of that caffeine for more than half my life, got involved with a spiritual group that’s really challenging, and found WOW I really have a lot to let go of. Was just taking a stroll in an outdoor art festival to find out what I can let go of.

    I thought definitely it’s now, and then I wonder, which probably means it’s an archetypal echo. And what bothers me the most. what if I AM mistaken, but for good reasons, trying to digest something regarding these media people that I’ve run into too much, and have shown interest in my life, because it’s actually compelling, which they want to exploit for media, thinking they are being helpful.

    What if I’m simply mistaken, and totally non violent. It’s decided you’re psychotic, a danger to yourself or others and…..

    If I go over what for example Brad Pitt hauled out, before he got married for the first time. He was hanging out at the same coffee house as I was, and he started having feelings for me, this is just after he had filmed Fight Club, or during. There was a lot of talk around of my life he must have heard, because I was open about having past lifetime memories of being Nijinsky (Vaslav). Because after having feelings for me, and not really reaching out in an appropriate way, he started a conversation with someone else that he knew i would overhear, and state that he didn’t know why “she” was mad at him, which he repeated at least twice: “She’s STILL mad at me,” and then speculated whether it was because she knew that he wanted to have sex with “Vaslav Nijinsky.”

    That’s quite bizarre already, if anyone cared to know about Vaslav Nijinsky’s life, and how it was marred by sexual exploitation to such a degree that for the insensitivity he was labeled as being schizophrenic. And then we have Brad Pitt perpetuating such insensitivity.

    He also used to play supposed jokes hiring gay escorts to who up to George Clooney’s shoots, and George Clooney did the same, and found pret in putting a sticker on Brad Pitt’s car saying “I’m gay, although I have a small penis” or something to that extent. And yet when playgirl had photos of him naked, he sued them. But he’ll hire gay escorts as joke and think more of such is fun What DIFFERENCE should it make whether someone is naked or not, and where does supporting the idea that this isn’t OK do to those that he hires as a joke?. ….When the stuff regarding the gay escorts was all over the news, a prominent gay escort service was put out of business. WHY would that be? Might it be that the same people who promote Mr. Pitt and others, and market such were a bit too much in the books that might be revealed? Could be, couldn’t it?

    And I’m NOT making this up. Johnny Depp also was making references to “Nijinsky,” and asked me for sexual favors I won’t even repeat here.

    AGAIN! I’m not making that up, that isn’t from any “psychosis,” I know very well the difference, in contrast to people mesmerized by the image and marketing decoys that such stuff isn’t going on. Or to people believing all sorts of things that promote marketing, but hide the truth.

    And I’m not supposed to talk about this, have this STRESS in my life because of their “image” which they think is their “value,” and their private life becomes insensitive exploitation of others who HAVE a compelling life exactly BECAUSE it’s compelling not something that sells to make one part of the mob. And “normal.” Or have some fit somewhere in a normal that’s not normal somewhere else, but normal enough within its guarded boundaries to create enough numbers to become a commodity as target for a market.

    I wish Shawn and Camilla the best, but they’re not making it overlooking what psychiatric “medications,” do to people, and if they were involved with a form of art that’s by itself more peaceful, has more perspective, is calming rather than aggressive and stimulant, they might be helping to create a door for healing that was supposed to be there in the first place, when someone looks for a respite from it all.

    But then this guy, with a blond girl I noticed later, when he came tramping by me at the bus station looking like he’s on a Safari, after not being able to leave me alone while listening to a Mozart Opera, when I wondered why he looked like the reincarnation of someone else, who was Jesus harp teacher. I actually said: “Him again!?” to myself.

    And about the jumble of “past” lifetime stuff. It really is just to show you’re not a body, really, that time isn’t linear, and that something else will take care of stuff. For all I know this supposed confusion (if it wasn’t him, which I don’t even care that much to know whether it was or not), it’s people to take with several grains of salt, or maybe stay away from, the way they take up causes (while maintaining utopian images varnished with beauty treatments and “fashion”) and run marketing bubbles thinking that’s how you help people, not knowing the difference between that and the truth about what goes into the money binge.

    I’ve seriously run into SO MANY media people, actors, that have this straight profile sexually, and yet felt free to think it’s proper indulgence to keep themselves pampered to come on to me for sex. And yet their image remains being straight, they can get the roles people with brave honesty don’t, or can’t because of marketing image, and then they talk about how tolerant they are about homosexuality, or diversity, just as long as they aren’t included to have to deal with the same stuff they act like they are sticking up for. And SERIOUSLY I have encountered that SO many times, that it makes me wonder whether my life is in danger would I simply be honest about it, because that exposes stuff the marketing agencies don’t want people to know, because what they use as commodities (the images they promote and advertise) that loses marketing value.

    And then psychiatric drugs.

    “Psychosis” has SHOWN to be an honesty that transcends such game theory. R. D. Laing showed that to be the case.

    To have such honesty dowsed with psychiatric drugs, and all the symbolism that expresses true issues with the people themselves or what’s going on in society that needs attention pushed to the side rather than seen for how it might point towards what truly needs attention……

    Well, I’ll ask the editors to reinstate my initial statement now.

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  9. Um, that was Shawn Mendes, for the second time.

    I was just walking around, as I’ve already described, at the Arts Festival in Grand Rapids, and did notice this person that resembled someone else, and even when I realized he wasn’t that person, was a bit interested in the comparison. I wouldn’t have even recognized Shawn, but for his reaction trying to stereotype me as if I had been, would be, or am disruptive because I ever attempted to make a spiritual statement about music, and healing, and his music, although at the time, as I’ve listed quite abundantly above, I was still digesting it all.

    I wasn’t even interested in him, actually, other than his resemblance to someone else of another caliber, and then he passes me AGAIN with Billie Eilish, and I had so enough of such that I said: “him again?” not even really knowing who he was yet, or interested. I would be please if instead of it being about him, it would be about art, and music.

    Here then is my original comment (the moderator was having difficulty finding it again to reinstate it, and I don’t want to trouble him further), I asked to have it removed, because I wasn’t so sure yet, but now, even if I was wrong, which I don’t believe so, it still shows how confusing those people can be, needing to be on some aggressive safari in order to fulfill the marketing agents wishes, thinking that “then” they will have something to say… if simply being human isn’t enough, and those that are…..

    Here is the full comment, after I was told, while the clock was ticking more than four minutes left, that time was up, the machinery contradicting itselfā€¦.
    And yes this gets to be quite annoying running into theseā€¦.. needs to become an icon, being exploitive of other peopleā€™s simple compelling lives ā€“ as if their lives are commodities for celebrity media exploits ā€“ to such a degree they donā€™t know what they are getting others, whose lives they are exploiting into anymoreā€¦..
    ā€˜We live in a society where we punish the wounded instead of treating them.ā€™
    ā€˜Enough beating myself up,ā€™ she realized. ā€˜Iā€™m obviously not choosing this. But this means that whether itā€™s medication or therapy or yoga or meditation or whatever, I need to get proper treatment.ā€™ā€
    Taking controlled substances that have INCREASED violence, to such a degree that one regularly reads of murder suicides, or someone inexplicable killing another that just sort of got on their nerves, with somewhere in the corporate media story it says they were being treated for depression, or the like, without even mention of the side effects that normal treatment with antidepressants causes, which are suicidal thoughts, and homicidal thoughts.
    That isnā€™t beating oneself up?
    What are they chosing?
    I have had SO MANY celebrities come into my life, with such embellishments or presumed help to mankind, with such behaviorā€¦..
    Iā€™ve actually had interaction out of nowhere with both her and her mate, and I donā€™t even know if I hung up on him recently, when he called saying: ā€œHi my name is Shawn,ā€ when they just started with promoting ā€œmental health helpā€ and I thought he was a telemarketerā€¦ā€¦
    And this link actually has a popup one can click on if you are in crisisā€¦ I copied the following without clicking on it:
    ā€œNeed Help Right Now? Ring the bell.
    ā€œClick here if you are in crisis and need help right now.
    Crisis Resourcesā€
    I donā€™t think that clicking on that link would help one find the help that is beyond the mainstream push, which statistically has caused more of the problem.
    In fact it might be quite UNNERVING.
    Itā€™s already quite unnerving to see once again this hype about what really hasnā€™t been shown to alleviate the problem statistically, let alone be forced into it because of a ā€œcrisis.ā€
    I donā€™t know what to say about this. I would be MORE than pleased, if while getting all fired up to help the multitudes, they would FIRST take a step back and see what EXACTLY they are getting THEMSELVES and further more others intoā€¦ā€¦
    And I could go all into this rather out of control behavior, of needing celebrity, and needing a personal life, and the stark extremely contradictory behavior resultingā€¦.
    I had tried to talk to Shawn about a song of his, and how miracles were involved, then he acted like he wasnā€™t himself, probably because he thought I was too ā€œcrazy,ā€ and then she tells me when I happen to be on the same bus, and am going on about everything one has to process when they get involved with YES real miracles, and that does take a lot of thought says: ā€œJesus is really proud of you,ā€ but now we get thisā€¦ā€¦.
    This ad for what could EASILY dowse someone from ever being able to process it,
    I know they mean it kindly, and believe they are great helpers butā€¦..
    And I have encountered a whole list of other ā€œcelebritiesā€ or rather media bubbles behaving in the same uneducated mannerā€¦ā€¦
    EXACTLY the kind of game theory that, I canā€™t remember his name for the life of me right now (before timeā€™s up I remember its Laing), found is what caused his patients who were doing better, to relapse, after going home in ā€œsocietyā€ and having to deal with all of thatā€¦.
    Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp making explicit sexual remarks towards me, while maintaining a career not being honest enough about such desires to have to deal with what might be considered lost market value, with Keanu Reeves it became: ā€œthat boy has such a cute ass,ā€ when I was acting out the robot in Artificial Intelligence movie; Justin Bieber also was going on about my ass thinking he was being cool, during one of his drug run periods but not too high at the time to be around, when he and a few others I discovered going over to an International marketing building off to the side of the bus route, or that would seem the logical place (heā€™s ALSO now promoting antidepressants and saying that people should take their medications rather than admitting the difficulty getting off of them, and what about others who never wanted to be forced on them, do they need this ā€œkindā€ advice) and I think I had actually informed him of a past lifetime that was significantā€¦.
    You wouldnā€™t even believe it, and Iā€™m not making this up. I wish I was, it would have more imagination to it, than such game theoryā€¦ā€¦.
    About sexuality, about image, about marketing value, about being an icon for others, about how to get points by corporate maniaā€¦ā€¦
    And Iā€™ve had it with this bombardment from media people. I live in whatā€™s about the biggest small town on the planet, and these people can come in here, and act out, without paparazzi aroundā€¦.
    And Iā€™ve just been trying to live a simple life about being human.

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