What Every Therapist Should Know About Working With Prescribed Psych Drugs


From The British Psychological Society: “A suite of new training materials has been created to enable students to feel confident to have conversations with clients about prescribed psychiatric drugs.

The British Psychological Society has been involved in a collaborative project with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, the UK Council for Psychotherapy and the Beyond Pills All-Party Parliamentary Group (2020 – May 2024) to deliver guidance materials for psychological therapists to support them in working with issues of prescribed drug dependence.

The freely available training materials – including talks from experts, and interviews with people who had experienced problems withdrawing from psychiatric drugs – are available for use for the next academic year and will enable course providers to meet Health and Care Professions Council requirements around understanding psychopharmacology.”

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  1. Recreational drugs are proven effective as self-medication for a diseased and brutal society: proof is in the pudding. Psych drugs are absolutely inferior from a subjective point of view and would be the last choice of self-medication for a natural human being. We used to have plant medicines. Now medicine has escaped the vegetable kingdom and become an inorganic disease that is destroying our brains, hearts and our world.

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  2. No-one, I’m not a pot smoker, but I believe medical marijuana is safer than using pharmaceuticals. Ayahuasca sounds promising, but dangerous at the same time. I’m just not keen on any psychoactive, be it alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, etc. I think I read somewhere that sugar either is or acts like an opiate. All I know is that when I stopped eating fruit or drinking fruit juice, I stopped feeling hungry all the time. And maltose is a form of sugar in rice milk. I also think olive oil and nuts are a great way to get fat. Fuck the omega-3’s.

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