On Pharma, Corruption, and Psychiatric Drugs

"My studies in this area lead me to a very uncomfortable conclusion: Our citizens would be far better off if we removed all the psychotropic drugs from the market, as doctors are unable to handle them. It is inescapable that their availability creates more harm than good." - Peter Gøtzsche, MD; Co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration

Twelve-year-old Ke’onte Cook Testifies in US Senate Hearing

A child in the foster-care system tells of his experience being diagnosed and then medicated with psychiatric drugs.

Exploring Psychiatry’s “Black Hole”: The International Institute on Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal

When Carina Håkansson sent out an invitation for a symposium on "Pharmaceuticals: Risks and Alternatives," some of the world's top scientists, along with experts-by-experience, came from 13 countries to explore better ways to respond to people in crisis.

Open the Paradigm

Less than six months ago I had the great fortune to start working with a small group of fellow producers who had spent a chunk of time traveling and shooting at various conferences. Interviews with notable figures in the movement. Survivor stories. A mixed bag of “Mad Media”. Immersing myself in the now 200+ hours of raw footage was like swimming in a sea of the subconscious. So I was swallowed whole by the white whale, consumed with the energy to put my still-developing abilities to the best use I could think of.

Open the Paradigm.

Developing a Compassionate Voice as a Step Toward Living With Voices

I've previously written about the possible role of compassion focused therapy in helping people relate better to problematic voices, in my posts Could compassionate self talk replace hostile voices?Feed Your Demons!, and A Paradox: Is Our System for Responding to Threats Itself a Threat? I'm happy to see more interest being taken in this kind of approach, and a video has just become available which, in 5 minutes, very coherently explains how a compassion focused approach can completely transform a person's relationship with their voices and so transform the person's life!

Toward a New Understanding of Mental Illness – Thomas Insel

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/CUuyzoTI948" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Thomas Insel's TedEducation presentation. "Today, thanks to better early detection, there are 63% fewer deaths from heart disease than...

Bruce Levine speaks about Nelson Algren, Phil Ochs, Marginalization and the Mental Health Industry...

Bruce Levine speaks about Nelson Algren, Phil Ochs, Marginalization, the Mental Health Industry, and the Occupy Movement at the 23rd Annual Nelson Algren Birthday...

Canadian Study Links Cannabis and Psychosis in Youth

The Cannabis and Psychosis Awareness Project, a four-year study from Canada that was released on Tuesday, finds that smoking marijuana - particularly heavy use in...

The Hearing Voices Movement: Has it Really Been 25 years?

In November 2012, Cardiff, Wales, more than two hundred and fifty people who hear voices, see visions and have other unusual and extreme experiences (referred to as “hearing voices” in the rest of this post), family members, friends, activists and allied experts by profession came together from around the world. The purpose of the three-day meeting was to celebrate the twenty fifth anniversary of the formation of hearing voices movement, to consider the lessons learnt so far and to envisage what we should be doing over the next 25 years. The excellent film, "Voices Matter", that you can now view on this site is a record of the event and I strongly recommend that you take a look.

Navigating the Mental Health Wilderness: Steven Morgan’s Journey

Steven Morgan discusses his transformative journey from chronic "patient" to leading mental health advocate. Steven has been working in peer support and helping to create alternatives to traditional mental health services for the past decade...

The Mindful Way Through Depression: Zindel Segal at TEDxUTSC

One of the developers of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy explains the history of its development.

What is Mental Illness Today? Five Hard Questions

Subscribers to Mad in America might be interested in a Keynote Lecture given by Professor Nikolas Rose in Nottingham on May 15th 2013. In this lecture Professor Rose very thoughtfully challenges a number of the assumptions which underpin conventional and contemporary psychiatric practice. He asks five hard questions:
  • Is there (really) an epidemic of mental illness?
  • Does the path to understanding mental disorder lie through the brain?
  • What is the role of diagnosis and of diagnostic manuals?
  • Should we seek early identification of those at risk of future mental pathology?
  • What is the place of patients, users, survivors, & consumers of mental health systems?

John Nash on the Accuracy of “A Beautiful Mind”

Professor John Nash discusses the discrepancies between the book & film "A Beautiful Mind" and his life.  While he endorses the portrayal of mental...

Animals and Mental Illness

The search for animal analogues for mental illness continues to inadvertently show that much if not most of what is thought of as mental...

Steven Morgan, Project Director of the Vermont Soteria Project, Reflects on Working With Psychosis

Soteria Vermont is a project of the Vermont state government, which seeks to be a leader in mental healthcare. When Hurricane Irene washed away...

Psychiatric Drugs: More Dangerous Than You Ever Imagined (A New Video)

Psychiatric Drugs are More Dangerous than You Ever Imagined” is the newest video in my series Simple Truths about PsychiatryIt provides a simple, direct and inescapable warning about this epidemic of harm induced by psychiatric drugs. The video sounds a necessary alarm about this growing tragedy, involving millions of people and their families, who never foresaw the disabling results of taking psychiatric drugs and giving them to their children.

New Video: Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs: A Harm Reduction Approach

I want to thank Bob Whitaker for inviting me to join the bloggers at Mad In America. As an introduction to my work I...

Robert Whitaker on Psychiatric, Cultural, and Economic Trends

In this interview at a conference a few weeks ago, Robert Whitaker speaks of the ways that ill-informed medication trends can become features of...
boy jumping

“ADHD: A Return to Psychology” Video Series

Most people believe that children diagnosed with ADHD misbehave because they possess an inferior inhibitory system that renders them less able to suppress unacceptable actions. However, this belief has numerous shortcomings. This series of videos challenges these assumptions and offers alternative explanations for why a child may exhibit ADHD behaviors.

Are You Ready for Multiple Lawsuits By Victims of Psychiatric Misconduct?

Professor Leigh Turner of the University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics blasts the Board of Regents for ignoring psychiatric research abuse.

KMSP-TV Investigative Report on Psychiatric Research Abuse at the University of Minnesota

For a scathing, 11-minute overview of the death of Dan Markingson at the University of Minnesota, and new allegations of coercion into psychiatric clinical trials, you can't do much better than this excellent investigative report by Jeff Baillon.