Tag: art and mental illness

Did Something Happen?! The Power of Poetry in Telling My Son’s...

It's hard, if not impossible, to impose on my son’s story any kind of literary “sense.” As a writer and a mother both, this has been my challenge. 

How to Learn to Love to Write: A Mental Health Journey

You go from enjoying writing to dreading the idea of ever scribbling words on a piece of paper ever again. What was once your escape has now become your prison.

Arrested Development: Britney Spears’ Memoir Is a Survivor’s Tale of Generational...

Miranda Spencer discusses Britney Spears' new memoir and the harms of conservatorship.

Trying to Fly Above—An Example of Sequencity

I consider synchronicity and sequencity connections to be gifts. The meaning involved is often much deeper and more personal than other people will recognize.

Dostoevsky: A Psychologist We Can All Learn From

Psychology has greatly broadened its scope since Nietzsche’s day and yet his implied criticism is one the discipline is still wrestling with.

Everyone’s Afraid of an Angry Woman: Honoring Sinéad O’Connor

In her tragic passing, I choose to honor her by raising up these words she said, by hearing and believing them.

Embodying Emotional Taboos: Musicians and Mental Health

Mia Berrin is a songwriter, producer, and recording artist based out of Brooklyn, whose project, Pom Pom Squad, has garnered attention over the last...

Chris Bullard—The Sound Mind Live Festival

Chris Bullard is the executive-director of the Sound Mind Live Festival which uses music as a connective force to bring people together to help address mental health stigma.

Can Listening to Heavy Metal Be Therapeutic?

Many enthusiasts of heavy metal will say things like "Heavy metal saved my life," and there is a fairly established narrative amongst fans of the wellbeing benefits.

Can’t Be Trusted: A Book Review Review

My book is a memoir written around the denial of my medical certificate required to fly light aircraft for mental health reasons.

Lost Poetry: Psychiatry and Creativity

A poem can be destroyed when psychiatry treats a poet without reverence and honor for their creativity and their diversity of mind.

Mad Poetry Slam!

Poets with lived experience with mental distress are invited to perform their poetry live at MIA's Mad Poetry Slam on Zoom on May 7th, 12PM EST.

Disability as a Creative Practice

I wanted to explore how time and sequence work when memory is disrupted, in my case due to traumatic brain injury. I needed to document and reclaim my own sensorium.

Beyond Labels and Meds—Closer Look: Isabella Castillo

At times I tend to feel invisible. Sometimes I don’t feel like I fit in with everyone else; I feel like an outsider.

Beyond Labels and Meds—Closer Look: Madeline Aliah

Meet another talented teen behind the pieces in MIA's art exhibition. She writes: "This poem was written in my first year at a queer-positive school and is processing the new forms of guilt and shame I experienced and was exposed to."

Beyond Labels and Meds—Closer Look: Aurora Ramos

Meet another talented teen behind the pieces in MIA's art exhibition, who says: "I think art is underrated sometimes because of its seemingly uselessness, but I highly believe it can cure many minds."

Beyond Labels and Meds—Closer Look: HoJin Kwak

This is the first of 4 spotlight interviews with some of the talented youth behind the pieces in MIA's art exhibition. HoJin states: "The original idea for my drawing started with the brain. The complexity of its sudden twists and curves fascinates me."

Teen Arts Exhibition: Beyond Labels And Meds: What It Feels Like...

28 teen artists share the power of their creativity in this collection of profoundly moving, courageous, and beautiful artwork.

Art and Transformation: Creating Justice in Mental Health

An upcoming conference focuses on the perspective of artists and activists in answering what it means to have a just mental health care system: Who decides who is labelled as mad?

Call for Teen Art in All Media!

MIA's Family Resources and Arts sections are co-sponsoring an online teen multimedia art exhibition with the theme “Beyond Labels and Meds: What It Feels Like to Be Me.”

Icarus, Let Me In: Songs For a Better Story

Mark Lipman made the album he wished his 23-year-old self would have heard. He needed a way to tell an integrated story instead of one of stigma and diagnosis, and here it was in music.

The Song of Psychiatry: The Impact of Language

I want to share the journey I took to find a new language, a new story, around my experiences and how that journey impacted my survival.

Rhythm Regulates the Brain: The Impact of Music (& More) on...

From Don't Try This Alone: "Patterned, repetitive, rhythmic somatosensory activity… elicits a sensation of safety" and is key in bringing down the high stress levels of traumatized people, says Dr. Bruce Perry.

The Looting of “Outsider Art” by Psychiatry Continues Today

The German museum of the Prinzhorn Collection, which opened in 2001, exhibits the stolen art of those considered by the Nazis to be "degenerates."

Art-Making as an Alternative Philosophy of Care During Emotional Crisis

From National Empowerment Center: MIA Arts Editor Karin Jervert gives a talk on the role of creativity in the healing process as part of the "Compassionate Approaches to Crisis" webinar series.