Tag: immigration and psychology

Deportation and Family Separation Impact Entire Communities

From UC Santa Cruz NewsCenter: "The deportation and forced separation of immigrants has negative effects that extend beyond individuals and families to entire communities...

Psychologists Respond to Mental Health Crisis at the Border

FromĀ The American Psychological Association PsycIQ: "When three women who had been forcibly separated from their children by immigration officials filed a lawsuit on June...

The Lasting Impact of Detention on Children

From The Guardian:Ā "Last month, amid international outcry over his administrationā€™s 'zero-tolerance' policy, which led to the separation of 2,300 children from their parents, Donald...

Joint Public Statement on U.S. Immigration Policies

Several psychology groups have released the following public statement on U.S. immigration policies and practices: "This statement is an official statement of the specific signatories...

APA Letter on the Separation of Families

The American Psychological Association has issued a letter to President Trump to express its strong opposition to the administration's new policy of separating immigrant...

Minority and Immigration Status Associated with Psychosis Risk

Ethnic minorities and those who migrated during childhood have an elevated risk for psychosis, study finds.